Help do some trivial deduction for some puzzle genre in ( Some deduction is automatically generated from the ruleset. Those will be marked with "(AG)".
Press "Assist" at the bottom right or Press Q to automatically deduce. Press "Assist Step" at the bottom right or Press W to make a single deduction.
Github link:
Greasyfork link:
Currently enhanced genre:
- Aho-ni-Narikire
- Akari
- Akichiwake
- All or Nothing
- Ant Mill
- Aqre
- Aquapelago
- Aquarium
- Araf
- Archipelago
- Arukone
- Ayeheya
- Balance Loop
- Balloon Box
- Barns
- Battleship
- Border Block
- Bosanowa
- Bosnian Road
- Box
- Brownies
- Canal View
- Castle Wall
- Cave
- Chained Block
- Choco Banana
- Chocona
- Circles and Squares
- Cocktail Lamp
- Coffee Milk
- Combi Block
- Compass
- Context
- Country Road
- Creek
- Dominion
- Dosun-Fuwari
- Dotchi-Loop
- Double Back
- Double Choco
- Family Photo
- Fillomino
- Fire walk
- FiveCells
- FourCells
- Geradeweg
- Goats and Wolves
- Guide Arrow
- Hashiwokakero
- Hebi-Ichigo
- Herugolf
- Heteromino
- Heyablock
- Heyawake
- Hitori
- Hotaru Beam
- Icebarn
- Icelom
- Ice Walk
- International Borders
- Inverse LITSO
- Islands
- Juosan
- Kakuro
- Kazunori Room
- Koburin
- Kropki
- Kurodoko
- Light and Shadow
- Litherslink
- Lohkous
- Look-Air
- Martini
- Masyu
- Maxi Loop
- Mejilink
- Mid-loop
- Minarism
- Minesweeper
- Mirroring Tile
- Mochikoro
- Moon or Sun
- Myopia
- Nanameguri
- Nawabari
- Nondango
- Nonogram
- Norinori
- Norinuri
- No Three
- Numberlink
- Nuribou
- Nurikabe
- Nuri-Maze
- Nurimisaki
- One Room One Door
- Paintarea
- Parquet
- Pencils
- Pentominous
- Pipelink
- Putteria
- Rail Pool
- Rassi Silai
- Rectangle-Slider
- Reflect Link
- Regional Yajilin
- Ring-ring
- Ripple Effect
- Rooms of Factors
- Sashigane
- School Trip
- Scrin
- Shakashaka
- Shikaku
- Simple Gako
- Simple Loop
- Skyscrapers
- Slalom
- Slant
- Slash Pack
- Slitherlink
- Snake
- Square Jam
- Star Battle
- Statue Park
- Stostone
- Sudoku
- Sukoro
- Symmetry Area
- Tapa
- Tapa-Like Loop
- Tasquare
- Tatamibari
- Tawamurenga
- Tentaisho
- Tents
- Tetrochain
- Tetrominous
- Tilepaint
- Toichika
- Tren
- Uso-one
- Uso-tatami
- Vertex Slitherlink
- Voxas
- Wall Logic
- Water Walk
- Yajilin
- Yajirushi 2
- Yajisan-Kazusan
- Yin-Yang