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Andrew Wilkey edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 1 revision

CViTjs is fairly quick to setup out-of-the-box, with only node and npm being available on your system to install. npm is used as javascript package manager and task runner here.

Clone the project

git clone 
  -or- download the zip file directly

Install the required packages and build

npm install
npm run build

This should be enough to build CViTjs in a standalone form. You can open the index.html to view the initial test data.

Running a local development server

npm run watch

This starts a local development server, and assuming there are no issues with the build process, it should start a CViTjs standalone instance that can be reached at localhost:8888 this is particularly useful when adding glyphs or tweaking the css, as the project rebuilds and updates as the files in src are changed.