Dependency injection for LeoECS Lite.
Tested on unity 2020.3 (not dependent on it) and contains assembly definition for compiling to separate assembly file for performance reason.
Important! Don't forget to use
builds for development andRELEASE
builds in production: all internal error checks / exception throwing works only inDEBUG
builds and eleminated for performance reasons inRELEASE
This repository can be installed as unity module directly from git url. In this way new line should be added to Packages/manifest.json
"com.leoecscommunity.ecslite.di": "",
By default last released version will be used. If you need trunk / developing version then develop
name of branch should be added after hash:
"com.leoecscommunity.ecslite.di": "",
If you can't / don't want to use unity modules, code can be downloaded as sources archive from Releases
var systems = new EcsSystems (new EcsWorld ());
.Add (new System1 ())
.AddWorld (new EcsWorld (), "events")
// ...
// Inject() method should be placed after
// all systems/worlds registration and
// before Init().
.Inject ()
.Init ();
class TestSystem : IEcsRunSystem {
// field will be injected with default world instance.
readonly EcsWorldInject _defaultWorld = default;
// field will be injected with "events" world instance.
readonly EcsWorldInject _eventsWorld = "events";
public void Run (EcsSystems systems) {
// all injected fields can be used here.
class TestSystem : IEcsRunSystem {
// field will be injected with pool from default world instance.
readonly EcsPoolInject<C1> _c1Pool = default;
// field will be injected with pool from "events" world instance.
readonly EcsPoolInject<C1> _c1EventsPool = "events";
public void Run (EcsSystems systems) {
// all injected fields can be used here.
class TestSystem : IEcsRunSystem {
// field will be injected with filter (C1 included)
// from default world instance.
readonly EcsFilterInject<Inc<C1>> _filter1 = default;
// field will be injected with filter (C1,C2 included)
// from default world instance.
readonly EcsFilterInject<Inc<C1, C2>> _filter2 = default;
// field will be injected with filter (C1 included, C2 excluded)
// from default world instance.
readonly EcsFilter<Inc<C1>, Exc<C2>> _filter11 = default;
// field will be injected with filter (C1 included, C2 excluded)
// from "events" world instance.
readonly EcsFilter<Inc<C1>, Exc<C2>> _eventsFilter11 = "events";
public void Run (EcsSystems systems) {
// all injected fields can be used here.
// even included pools:
// EcsPool<C1> pool1 = _filter2.Pools.Inc1;
// EcsPool<C2> pool2 = _filter2.Pools.Inc2;
Important: Inc<>
supports up to 8 constraints, Exc<>
supports up to 4 constraints.
If you need more constraints, you can create new constraint type inside project.
For example, Inc<>
with 10 constraints:
public struct Inc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10> : IEcsInclude
where T1 : struct
where T2 : struct
where T3 : struct
where T4 : struct
where T5 : struct
where T6 : struct
where T7 : struct
where T8 : struct
where T9 : struct
where T10 : struct {
public EcsPool<T1> Inc1;
public EcsPool<T2> Inc2;
public EcsPool<T3> Inc3;
public EcsPool<T4> Inc4;
public EcsPool<T5> Inc5;
public EcsPool<T6> Inc6;
public EcsPool<T7> Inc7;
public EcsPool<T8> Inc8;
public EcsPool<T9> Inc9;
public EcsPool<T10> Inc10;
public EcsWorld.Mask Fill (EcsWorld world) {
Inc1 = world.GetPool<T1> ();
Inc2 = world.GetPool<T2> ();
Inc3 = world.GetPool<T3> ();
Inc4 = world.GetPool<T4> ();
Inc5 = world.GetPool<T5> ();
Inc6 = world.GetPool<T6> ();
Inc7 = world.GetPool<T7> ();
Inc8 = world.GetPool<T8> ();
Inc9 = world.GetPool<T9> ();
Inc10 = world.GetPool<T10> ();
return world
.Filter<T1> ()
.Inc<T2> ()
.Inc<T3> ()
.Inc<T4> ()
.Inc<T5> ()
.Inc<T6> ()
.Inc<T7> ()
.Inc<T8> ()
.Inc<T9> ()
.Inc<T10> ();
Similar, Exc<>
with 6 constraints:
public struct Exc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> : IEcsExclude
where T1 : struct
where T2 : struct
where T3 : struct
where T4 : struct
where T5 : struct
where T6 : struct {
public EcsWorld.Mask Fill (EcsWorld.Mask mask) {
return mask.Exc<T1> ()
.Exc<T2> ()
.Exc<T3> ()
.Exc<T4> ()
.Exc<T5> ()
.Exc<T6> ();
class TestSystem : IEcsRunSystem {
// field will be injected with GetShared() instance from EcsSystems.
readonly EcsSharedInject<Shared> _shared = default;
public void Run (EcsSystems systems) {
// all injected fields can be used here.
.Add (new TestSystem ())
.Inject (new CustomData1 (), new CustomData2 ())
.Init ();
// ...
class TestSystem : IEcsRunSystem {
// field will be injected with instance from EcsSystems.Inject() call.
readonly EcsCustomInject<CustomData1> _custom1 = default;
// field will be injected with instance from EcsSystems.Inject() call.
readonly EcsCustomInject<CustomData2> _custom2 = default;
public void Run (EcsSystems systems) {
// all injected fields can be used here.
The software is released under the terms of the MIT license.
No personal support or any guarantees.