🔍Communications platform for non-profit arts organization. A professional and secure website that contracted teaching artists can log into to view announcements, resources, and forms; communicate with each other via forum; upload documentation; view social media feeds; and view a google calendar for the virtual class schedule.
As manager of an art studio, I need a professional and secure website that contracted teaching artists can log into to view announcements, resources, and forms; communicate with each other via forum; upload documentation; view our social media feeds; and view a google calendar for the virtual class schedule.
- Description
- Built With
- User Story
- Table of Contents
- Deployment
- Screenshots
- Installing PWA
- Testing
- Contribution
- Questions
The Teaching Artist Hub has been designed as a progressive web app (PWA) and can be installed on most devices. To install the TAH, complete the following steps:
- Visit the following link in the Safari app: https://teaching-artist-hub.herokuapp.com/
- Select the share icon on the toolbar
- Scroll down and select 'Add to Home Screen'
- Confirm by selecting 'Add'
- Visit the following link in the Chrome app: https://teaching-artist-hub.herokuapp.com/
- Select the 'More' icon on the top bar (three dots icon)
- Select 'Add to Home Screen'
- Confirm by selecting 'Add'
- NOTE: Most Androids devices will automatically identify the link as a PWA and the user will be presented with the option to download the app.
- Visit the following link in the Chrome or Edge app: https://teaching-artist-hub.herokuapp.com/
- Select the install button in the address bar
- Select 'Install'
✏️ See deployed site to test functionality.
This application was created by Lindsey Krause, Christi Mc, Joseph Porzaazo, Vanessa McGuire, and Kellie Werrell
📞 Contact us with any questions: [email]
(mailto: kelliewerrell@gmail.com, vmcguire6377@gmail.com, joeporazzo@gmail.com, christileemc@gmail.com, lindsey.krause23@gmail.com)
GitHub Kellie Werrell, GitHub Vanessa McGuire, GitHub Christi Mc, GitHub Joe P, GitHub Lindsey Krause