A service to manage buckets.
Make sure you have the following installed
- Docker
- Travis CLI
- Heroku CLI
Create a vitual environment and activate it
If you are new to this, virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper is a straight forward and relatelive simple was to use virtual environments. The The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! has a nice tutorial for setting up virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the postgres container in the background
docker-compose up -d postgres
Run docker ps
to make sure your container is running.
Migrate all the data to the database
./manage.py migrate
Setup all the static files
./manage.py collectstatic
Run the webserver to see if all is working
./manage.py runserver
Run the postgres container in the background (if not already running)
docker-compose up -d postgres
Run the webserver
./manage.py runserver
Deployements are automated using Travis CI, Heroku and gcloud. Pushes to the master branch will trigger a build via Travis. Once the build passes, Travis will deploy the branch to Heroku.
- Make sure your project is on github
- Add the following file, if not already on github. It is excluded in the .gitignore file by default
git add -f config/static/api/
- Sign up on (travis.org)[https://travis-ci.org/] if you repo is open source or (travis.com)[https://travis-ci.com/] for private repos
- Sync your account
- Turn on the switch for your repository
- Sign up on (Heroku)[https://signup.heroku.com/]
- Login and authenticate your heroku-cli so that you can use the heroku-cli to create our production app.
heroku login
- Run the following command locally to initialize your project
heroku create skyrock_cluster --remote prod --region eu && \
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app skyrock_cluster && \
heroku config:set \
DJANGO_SECRET=`openssl rand -base64 32` \
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="config.settings" \
--app skyrock_cluster
- Encrypt your Heroky credentials and allow Travis to view them for deployments
travis encrypt HEROKU_AUTH_TOKEN="$(heroku auth:token)" --add
- Commit and push the changes to master to trigger the first build
Google cloud: Gcloud login
glcoud auth loging
Create namespace
inv create_namespace staging
Build cloud image
inv cloudbuild_initial staging
Upload secrets
inv upload_secrets staging
inv install staging