To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
To build and deploy the application, we use edeliver with distillery build tool.
Here is the overview of the deployment process:
----------------------- ---------------------------
| | | |
| | -------------- (1) build ---------------> | |
| | | build server |
| | <------- (2) copy to release store ------ | |
| | | |
| control machine | ---------------------------
| |
| (localhost / | ---------------------------
| Circle CI) | | |
| | ------------- (3) deploy ---------------> | target machine |
| | | |
| | ------ (4) restart & migrate -----------> | (staging / production) |
| | | |
----------------------- ---------------------------
If (1) compiling and generating the release build was successful, then (2) the release is copied from the build server to the release store.
The release store is the ./.deliver/releases
directory on the control machine.
Here is the list of steps you need to follow to configure a fresh Phoenix Framework app in order compile it on Build Server and later deploy to App Server. You can find here relevant Ansible playbooks to provision Build Server and App Server.
Here you will find all code changes in this repo necessary to make deployment work.
Add distillery (release manager) in
and run$ mix deps.get
.defp deps do [{:distillery, "~> 1.4", runtime: false}] end
Generate a new rel/config.exs file with
$ mix release.init
. You can learn more here if you like -
Add lib/phoenix_website/release_tasks.ex file to the repo and ensure the module name is relevant to your app
and the atoms mentioned in the code for it as well:phoenix_website
. -
Add rel/commands/ and set executable chmod for it
$ chmod a+x rel/commands/
. -
In rel/config.exs file we should add seed command with plugin
.environment :prod do set include_erts: true set include_src: false set cookie: :"rm!z`joIlVak;]t$[Dyo$?D8Mu)/H,by9YjAQ/qIJ1(fS.]d(dI@Cu&{P>S%NI5J" # add below 2 lines set commands: [ "seed": "rel/commands/", ] # plugin Releases.Plugin.LinkConfig end
Add edeliver (build and deploy Elixir app) in
and run$ mix deps.get
.defp deps do [ ... # add edeliver here {:edeliver, "~> 1.4.3"}, {:distillery, "~> 1.4", runtime: false}, ] end
Add in
the line.deliver/releases/
. -
In config/prod.exs ensure the
# import_config "prod.secret.exs"
is comment out. We don't want to loadprod.secret.exs
. -
In config/prod.exs ensure the
config :phoenix_website, PhoenixWebsiteWeb.Endpoint, server: true
is uncommented. -
Add at the very end of the config/prod.exs file:
# NOTE: this should be commented because we don't use it # import_config "prod.secret.exs" # We don't want to use prod.secret.exs # # Instead we will compile the keys but with example values FILL_IN_HERE # that will be manually replaced later in /home/phoenix/phoenix_website/phoenix_website.config on the App Server. # # Thanks to that values won't be compiled into our release package. # In result we will be able to deploy compiled release package to multiple environments like staging/production. # (You don't have to compile app separatly for the staging and production as it was with using prod.secret.exs approach) config :phoenix_website, PhoenixWebsiteWeb.Endpoint, secret_key_base: "FILL_IN_HERE", # we use hardcoded port and it's set in Ansible playbooks # roles/phoenix-app/0.0.1/templates/nginx.j2 http: [port: 8888] # Configure your database config :phoenix_website, PhoenixWebsite.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, username: "FILL_IN_HERE", password: "FILL_IN_HERE", database: "FILL_IN_HERE", pool_size: 15 config :phoenix_website, # Nodes connecting to each other are required to prove that they possess a shared secret, called a "cookie". This is # mostly aimed at ensuring that different Erlang clusters on the same network don't accidentally merge. All Erlang # nodes in a cluster trust each other completely. Any node in the cluster can run any code on any of the other nodes. # This must be atom hence colon sign before value. # You can generate new erlang_magic_cookie with: `mix phx.gen.secret`. erlang_magic_cookie: :"FILL_IN_HERE"
Create bin/deploy with executable chmod
$ chmod a+x deploy
and update thereHOST
to your staging/production servers. -
Create bin/restart with executable chmod
$ chmod a+x deploy
- Build server:
- domain:
- domain:
- Staging:
- domain:
(this server was not provisioned. It's just example)
- domain:
- Production:
- domain: (This is our example app, you can see it)
Ensure you have /home/phoenix/phoenix_website/phoenix_website.config
file on the staging and production hosts.
🎓 We use different configurations on different deploy hosts, as described
(we link the sys.config
by setting the env LINK_SYS_CONFIG
in .deliver/config).
If you change configuration structure in config/config.exs or config/prod.exs,
then you need to generate new phoenix_website.config
file. To do so, you need to compile the application and in the compiled
package you will find $DELIVER_TO/$APP/releases/$VERSION/sys.config
template with FILL_IN_HERE
instead of
credentials. Use the template file, add proper credentials in it and then upload to staging and production hosts.
Please read comment above the line LINK_SYS_CONFIG="$DELIVER_TO/$APP/$APP.config"
in the file .deliver/config to see what steps to follow to achieave that.
You can also find here compiled config phoenix_website.config
and you could use it exactly for this application. Remember to change FILL_IN_HERE
to your credentials.
[{format,<<"$time $metadata[$level] $message\n">>},
The app is deployed to production by CircleCI from master branch when tests are green. You can see deployment configuration in .circleci/config.yml.
You can see example builds here:
BRANCH=master TARGET_SERVER=staging bin/deploy # deploy to staging
BRANCH=master TARGET_SERVER=production bin/deploy # deploy to production
$ mix phx.gen.secret
can generate secret that can be used forerlang_magic_cookie
or forsecret_key_base
. -
In order to run seeds do:
ssh /home/phoenix/phoenix_website/bin/phoenix_website command Elixir.PhoenixWebsite.ReleaseTasks seed
How to check logs on App Server
$ ssh # logs for systemd phoenix_website service $ sudo journalctl -u phoenix_website # check nginx errors log $ sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
How to start Phoenix Console:
$ ssh $ sudo su phoenix $ cd /home/phoenix/phoenix_website $ MIX_ENV=prod bin/phoenix_website console
How to check logs for the Phoenix service:
# -f will tail the logs $ sudo journalctl -f -u phoenix_website
- Official website:
- Guides:
- Docs:
- Mailing list:
- Source: