This project aimed to build a response model for a marketing department in a retail food company. The goal was to predict which customers were more likely to respond positively to a new product offer, based on data from a previous marketing campaign. By identifying these customers, the company can optimize its direct marketing campaigns, leading to improved profitability.
This project was completed as part of a group assignment for the Programming for Data Science course.
The project involved various steps of data exploration, feature extraction, and analysis, culminating in a model that can efficiently predict future responses to marketing offers.
The main objective of this project is to develop a model that can predict which customers are likely to respond positively to a direct marketing campaign. By analyzing data from a previous campaign, the goal was to:
- Discover patterns, trends, and correlations within the customer data. 📈
- Create a set of discriminating characteristics that define the customers who are more likely to purchase the new product. 🛍️
- Build a model that can generalize these findings to the entire customer base, ensuring that future campaigns are more profitable. 💡
The dataset consists of 2,240 customers who were contacted as part of a pilot marketing campaign. It includes 28 socio-demographic, firmographic, and behavioral features, as well as a flag indicating whether the customer responded to the campaign by purchasing the product. The features are categorized into six main groups:
- Socio-Demographic: Includes variables like BirthYear, Education, MaritalStatus, etc. 👤
- Frequency: Data about the customer's purchase and interaction frequency, e.g., NDealsPurchases, NWebVisitsMonth, etc. 🔄
- Monetary Value: Information on spending patterns, e.g., MntWines, MntMeatProducts, etc. 💰
- Customer Lifetime and Satisfaction: Customer-specific data like CustomerFrom, Complain. 🕒
- Campaign Response: Five response flags corresponding to different campaigns. 📞
- Ultimate Campaign Cost and Revenue: Data related to the cost and revenue generated from the pilot campaign. 📉📈
The project consists of a series of steps that will be completed through Jupyter Notebooks and a spreadsheet. The files and their purposes are as follows:
- combine.ipynb: Combines the separate data files from the six extraction calls. 🔗
- preprocess.ipynb: Describes the structure of the dataset, handles missing values, duplicates, and feature transformation. 🧹
- extract.ipynb: Extracts useful features and evaluates feature correlation and redundancy. 🔍
- explore1.ipynb: Assesses individual features' ability to discriminate between respondents and non-respondents, using Scaled mean deviation, Spearman vs Pearson correlation and the chi^2 test of independence. 🔑
- explore2.ipynb: Explores the joint discrimination power of features, aiming to extract precise and representative characteristics of respondents. 🧠
- conclusion.ipynb: Summarizes the findings and provides a detailed yet concise description of the key discriminating features. 📝
- respondents.xlsx: Contains the subset of customers who are more likely to respond to future campaigns based on the selected discriminating features. 📊
The estimated profit was 421MU.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- combine.ipynb
- preprocess.ipynb
- extract.ipynb
- explore1.ipynb
- explore2.ipynb
- conclusion.ipynb
Excel Output: After completing the notebooks, the final list of respondents were saved as respondents.xlsx, which can be used for the next campaign. 📊