It's Good to see you here
This is an automation of CSS HTML starter Pack.
Images will be minified, SCSS (SASS) will be converted into CSS and then will be minified and prefixes will be added to it, JS will be uglified and all JS files will be combined into ONE file and HTML files and all other minified & uglified files will be transferred into your distribution folder.
- Make sure you have these installed
- Clone this repository into your local machine using the terminal (mac) or Gitbash (PC)
> git clone
- CD to the folder
cd html-starter
- When you download it or find it as it is, you need to install by typing cmd:
> npm install
- Run the Gulp command
> gulp
and it will fire up your browser athttp://localhost:8080
- When you are ready for distribution or want to build, you have to type cmd:
> gulp build
- If you want RTL support in your CSS, you have to type this cmd after building your project:
> gulp rtl-css
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