To run this application: run mvn clean install in terminal and then run the main method in located in (Recipe-api/src/main/java/com/example/Recipe_api/
This Recipe API is a backend service build with Spring Boot and GraphQL that allows users to: - GET - CREATE - UPDATE - DELETE Recipes along with their ingredients.
To build a Recipe API database using gtaphql in order to gain knowledge with building Java springboot and GraphQL.
Build a real world backend application with postgreSQL.
Design a Database and create it in postgrSQL.
Understand REST vs GraphQL API Design
** note: this project is a work in progress as I am using it to learn about REST and GraphQL using Spring Boot. **
- Spring Boot 3.4.2
- GraphqL + Codegen (for API Schema)
- PostgreSQL (Database)
- InjelliJ IDEA (IDE for development)
- Maven (dependency management)
this application will consist of 2 tables in my database:
- id (UUID) - Primary Key
- name (String)
- description (String)
- instructions (Text)
- ingredients (One-to-Many Relationship to the ingreidents table)
- id (UUID) - Primary Key
- name (String)
- quantity (String)
- recipe_id (Foreign Key)
1. Created a new Spring Boot project using Spring Initalizer website and added my dependencies:
- Spring Boot Web
- SpringBoot GraphQL
- GraphQL codegen
- PostgreSQL Driver
2. Added an application.yaml file for connecting to the postgreSQL database:
- Before this I went into postgres and opened a database and created the tables with the columns i wanted. I used my credentials in the application.yaml file located: src/main/ folder.
3. Created Recipe Controller in /src/main/java/com/example/Recipe_api/controller folder
- Added a simple endpoint that returns "API is working" to test the endpoint
4. Created the models for Recipe and Ingredient - /src/main/java/com/example/Recipe_api/model folder
- Defined the eneity models - these are the java data version of the tables created in postgres.
5. Created the repositories for these - /src/main/java/com/example/Recipe_api/repository folder
- Created a repository for Recipe and Ingreidents as this repository will internact with the database.
5. entry point into the Spring Boot App
- located /src/main/java/com/example/Recipe_api/ - this is the main method for this whole app
Create GraphQL schema
Implement a simple query for fetching ingredients
Implment a simple mutation so you can add, update or delete a recipe from the database
Add additonal api endpoints to familarize with REST api Write Unit tests to test each part of my code