Straight to the point - I made a script of the following guide (link) on how to set up Pihole to forward DNS request to Lancache. This will allow you to continue to use the Pihole web gui with the benefits of Lancache.
git clone Lancache-Pihole
cd Lancache-Pihole
chmod +x
sudo ./
Performs the following actions:
- Verifies if root access and if pihole is installed (via pihole-FTL service or a docker named "pihole")
- Git clones the cache-domains repo
- Creates a config.json file with the computers ip address.
- Copies the to /root
- Executes
- Creates a cron job to run daily at 0030
Performs the following actions:
- Copies cache-domains folder to a /tmp folder
- Executes from the /tmp folser - this is used to update cache-domains
- Copies the newly created .conf files to /etc/dnsmasq.d/
- Restarts the pihole-FTL service or pihole docker
- Deletes the /tmp folder
The inspiration for this script: Scripting LanCache DNS updates with Pi-hole.