A modern weather application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js), combining robust backend development with an interactive frontend. The app features secure user authentication, real-time weather data retrieval, and a responsive user interface, utilizing advanced React hooks and best development practices.
- Secure Registration and Login:
- User accounts are created with passwords securely hashed using
. Authentication is managed through JWT (JSON Web Tokens), ensuring safe and efficient session handling.
- User accounts are created with passwords securely hashed using
- Session Management:
- Token-based authentication protects routes and user-specific data.
- City-Specific Weather Details:
- Users can search for any city to get real-time weather information such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather conditions.
- Seamless Data Fetching:
- The app interacts with a third-party weather API (e.g., OpenWeatherMap) to fetch accurate and up-to-date weather data.
- Dynamic User Interface:
- React ensures a smooth and responsive user experience, supporting both mobile and desktop devices.
- React Hooks Integration:
- Advanced state management (
), side-effects handling (useEffect
), and global state sharing (useContext
) are implemented for clean and efficient component architecture.
- Advanced state management (
- Error Handling:
- The app includes clear feedback for invalid city searches, failed API requests, and authentication issues.
- RESTful API Design:
- A well-structured backend built with Node.js and Express.js, following REST principles for scalability and maintainability.
- Database:
- MongoDB is used for user data storage, ensuring reliable and fast access with the Mongoose ODM for schema definition and queries.
- React.js for building the user interface
- React Router DOM for navigation
- Context API and React Hooks (
) for state and logic management - CSS for styling
- Node.js and Express.js for server-side development
- MongoDB for database management
- Mongoose ODM for schema modeling
- JWT for authentication and session handling
- Bcrypt for secure password hashing
- Weather data fetched using a public API (e.g., OpenWeatherMap)
Account Creation:
- Users register with a username, email, and password. Passwords are securely hashed and stored in the database.
Login and Authentication:
- Upon successful login, the user receives a JWT, allowing them to access protected routes and features.
Weather Search:
- Authenticated users can enter a city name to retrieve its current weather data.
- The app displays key details such as temperature, weather description, humidity, and wind speed.
Real-Time Updates:
- Weather data is fetched dynamically with API calls, ensuring the most recent information is displayed.
- Users can securely log out, invalidating their session token.
:- Manages dynamic UI states such as input values, loading indicators, and API responses.
:- Handles side effects like fetching weather data or checking user authentication status.
:- Shares state across components, including user authentication data and app-level settings.
- Password Protection:
- Passwords are hashed using
before being stored in the database, protecting sensitive user data.
- Passwords are hashed using
- Token-Based Authentication:
- JWTs are used to secure access to protected routes, preventing unauthorized access.
- API Key Handling:
- The weather API key is securely managed on the backend to prevent misuse.
- Geolocation Support:
- Automatically fetch weather data based on the user's current location.
- Weather Forecasting:
- Add hourly and weekly forecasts for detailed weather insights.
- Favorites Management:
- Allow users to save favorite cities for quick access.
- Dark Mode:
- Improve user experience with a theme toggle for light and dark modes.
- Enhanced Performance:
- Optimize API calls with caching to reduce latency and load times.