This is a Python bot script which connect to twitter API with Tweepy library to perfom some actions. Actually it notify me by direct message about a list of account who unfollow me since the last check. I hosted on Azure like a webjob and define a CRON expression to schedule it.
Things you need to install:
- Python 3 (i used 3.8.5 version)
- Tweepy library (a module to install with pip)
First make sure you have a twitter account and a twitter dev account for tokens things to access the API, click for a good article about it 🙂.
After just download the repo. To make it work actually you will have to replace all string occurences of "manusquall" by your twitter name (this one with "@"). It's different from your screen name and is unique.
A "python .\" command should finally run it (in PowerShell if you are on windows) in the project directory.
- Tweepy - The library used
No yet but feel free to submit pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.