A curated list of awesome Robot Framework resources and libraries
- robotframework-webservice Webservice for running Robot Framework test cases.
Standard Libraries
- BuiltIn Contains generic often needed keywords. Imported automatically and thus always available.
- Collections Contains keywords for handling lists and dictionaries.
- DateTime Supports creating and verifying date and time values as well as calculations between them.
- Dialogs Supports pausing the test execution and getting input from users.
- OperatingSystem Enables performing various operating system related tasks.
- Process Supports executing processes in the system.
- Screenshot Provides keywords to capture and store screenshots of the desktop.
- String Library for manipulating strings and verifying their contents.
- Telnet Supports connecting to Telnet servers and executing commands on the opened connections.
- XML Library for verifying and modifying XML documents.
Mid level (framework) Libraries
- Android Library (Keywords) Library for all your Android automation needs. It uses Calabash Android internally.
- AnywhereLibrary Library for testing Single-Page Apps (SPA). Uses Selenium Webdriver and Appium internally.
- Appium Library Library for Android- and iOS-testing. It uses Appium internally.
- DjangoLibrary Library for Django, a Python web framework.
- Drupal Library Library targeting Drupal sites, built on top of Selenium2Library.
- Eclipse Library Library for testing Eclipse RCP applications using SWT widgets.
- ImageHorizonLibrary (Keywords) Cross-platform, pure Python library for GUI automation based on image recognition.
- iOS Library Library for all your iOS automation needs. It uses Calabash iOS Server internally.
- Page Object Library Library that makes it possible to use the page object pattern when testing web pages.
- Swing Library (Keywords) Library for testing Java applications with Swing GUI.
- White Library Wraps the White framework, for automating Windows GUI technologies (Win32, WinForms, WPF, SWT).
- QWeb Library - Keyword based test automation for the web. (Keywords)
- Applitools Robot Framework Visual Verification Test Library using Applitools Eyes (Utilizes AppiumLibrary or\and SeleniumLibrary).
Low level (driver) Libraries
- AngularJS Library An AngularJS extention library to Robotframework's Selenium2Library.
- Archive Library Library for handling zip- and tar-archives.
- AutoIt Library Windows GUI testing library that uses AutoIt freeware tool as a driver.
- Database Library Python based library for database testing. Works with any Python interpreter, including Jython.
- Excel Library Library which provides keywords to allow opening, reading, writing and saving Excel files.
- FTP Library Library which makes it possible to test or use FTP server using Robot Framework keywords.
- HTTP Request (Java) Library for HTTP level testing using Apache HTTP client.
- HTTP Request (livetest) Library for HTTP level testing using livetest tool internally.
- HTTP Request (Requests) Library for HTTP level testing using Request internally.
- IMAP Library Library to test IMAP email validation tasks.
- JSON Schema Library JSON Schema validation library for Robot Framework.
- MongoDB Library Library for interacting with MongoDB using pymongo.
- MQTT Library Library that provides keywords for testing on MQTT brokers.
- NcclientLibrary (Keywords) Robotframework NETCONF wrapper library of ncclient.
- RESTinstance Robot Framework test library for (RESTful) JSON APIs.
- Suds Library (Keywords) Library for functional testing of SOAP-based web services with Suds, a dynamic SOAP 1.1 client.
- UNIX Filesystem Library Unix filesystem testing for Robot Framework.
- Debug Library Debug Library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-advancedlogging Create additional logs.
- robotframework-apachetomcat - Manage Apache Tomcat server.
- robotframework-aws - Keywords for interacting with AWS services in your test suites.
- robotframework-browser - Automate the browser using Playwright.
- robotframework-cassandracqllibrary Execute CQL statements in Cassandra Database.
- robotframework-confluentkafkalibrary Wrapper for the confluent-kafka-python.
- robotframework-couchdbaselibrary Work with Couchbase.
- robotframework-couchbasemanager Manage Couchbase server.
- robotframework-databaselib Database lib based on SQLAlchemy.
- robotframework-datatime-tz Date/time with locales and time zones.
- robotframework-dependencylibrary Declare dependencies between Robot Framework tests.
- robotframework-dependencysolver A Robot Framework prerunmodifier for interdependent test cases execution.
- robotframework-docker Work with Docker and Docker Compose.
- robotframework-excel10library Basic control over Excel10 (xlsx) files.
- robotframework-excellib Work with Excel documents.
- robotframework-eyeslibrary To automate visual software testing.
- robotframework-httpctrl HTTP/HTTPS client and HTTP server services to make REST API testing easy.
- robotframework-ipmilibrary Test IPMI devices.
- robotframework-jenkins Jenkins interaction.
- robotframework-jsonvalidator JSON validation based on JSONSchema, JSONPath, JSONSelect.
- robotframework-keepasslibrary Work with KeePass databases.
- robotframework-kicadlibrary Validate KiCad designs.
- robotframework-openstflibrary Openstf utility library.
- robotframework-oracledb Work with Oracle Databases.
- robotframework-pabot Run tests in parallel.
- robotframework-postgresqldb Work with PostgresSQL databases.
- robotframework-rabbitmq Work with RabbitMQ.
- robotframework-react Work with React.js based web applications.
- robotframework-remotetransfer Transfer screenshots from remoteserver to local machine.
- robotframework-requestschecker Check HTTP Response Status Codes.
- robotframework-requestslogging Log HTTP requests and responses.
- robotframework-screencaplibrary Take screenshots and videos.
- robotframework-seleniumlibrary Web testing based on Selenium.
- robotframework-seleniumscreenshots Capture annotated screenshots with SeleniumLibrary.
- robotframework-seleniumtestability Provides either manual or automatic waiting asyncronous events within SUT.
- robotframework-snmplibrary Work with SNMP.
- robotframework-sshlibrary Test library for SSH and SFTP.
- robotframework-sshtunnellibrary Connect to remote host using SSH Local Forwarding.
- robotframework-stringformat String formatting.
- robotframework-stublibrary For all your HTTP needs.
- robotframework-tarantoollibrary Work with Tarantool DB.
- robotframework-testrail Listener and pre-run modifier for working with TestRail.
- robotframework-webpack Control Webpack dev servers.
- robotframework-websockerclient Wrapper for the websocket-client module.
- robotframework-zookeepermanager Manage Apache Zookeeper.
- robotframework-xvfb Interact with Xvfb.
- robotframework-zoomba Collection of testing libraries spanning GUI, REST/SOAP API, and Windows Desktop automation.
- winregistry Work with Windows Registry.
- robotframework-openafslibrary Test library for the OpenAFS distributed filesystem.
- robotframework-construct Build and parse binary data.
- Renode Simulation in the loop testing for complex embedded systems based on Robot Framework.
Network testing
- pyats.robot - Sub-component of Cisco pyATS library for enabling network testing using RobotFramework.
Remote Library Examples
- robotframework-scala-remote-library An example of a Remote Server Keywords library implementation in Scala and based on a blog post written by Thomas Jaspers.
Built-in tools
- DbBot DbBot is a tool to serialize Robot Framework test run results into a SQLite database.
- Rebot Tool for generating logs and reports based on XML outputs and for combining multiple outputs together.
- RoboMachine Model-based testing with Robot Framework.
- Libdoc Tool for generating Keywords for test libraries and resource files.
- Pabot Parallel executor for Robot Framework test cases.
- Testdoc Generates high level HTML documentation based on Robot Framework test cases.
- Tidy Tool for cleaning up and changing format of Robot Framework test data files.
- Remote Interface Introduction to the remote interface with a list of available remote servers.
- rfhub2 Tool for collecting, browsing and sharing documentation of existing keywords written in RobotFramework and python.
- Jenkins plugin Plugin to collect and publish Robot Framework test results in Jenkins.
- Robotcorder Chrome plugin to record session for Robot Framework.
- Maven plugin Maven plugin for using Robot Framework.
- Ant task Ant task for running Robot Framework tests.
Cryptocurrency or Blockchain tools
- Robot Framework Solidity Testing Toolkit Robot Framework tools that integrate with various Web3 blockchain technologies for testing and deploying smart contracts written in Solidity. It also provides an example (using a forked Fantom mainnet) for starting your own blockchain monitoring process.
- docker-robot-framework Robot Framework (with Firefox and Chrome) in Docker.
- robotframework-distbot Distribute tests into multiple machines/docker containers.
- Jupyter
- robotkernel RobotFramework kernel for Jupyter notebooks.
- xeus-robot Jupyter kernel for Robot Framework based on the native implementation of the Jupyter protocol xeus.
- RobotCode RobotCode Is a set of tools and extensions and plugins for working with Robot Framework in different IDEs, editors and on the command line.
- VSCode Extensions
- Pycharm/Intellij
- Jupyter
- robotframework-workbench Collection of tools for working with robotframework test suite and resource files.
- allure-robotframework - Robot Framework integration for Allure.
- robotframework-rp-tools - Listener and visitor modules for integration with ReportPortal.
- RobotMK Robot Framework integration for the Open Source monitoring solution Checkmk.
- molecule-robotframework - Ansible Molecule plugin for running molecule tests with Robot Framework.
- pytest-robotframework - Pytest plugin that creates robotframework reports for tests written in python and allows you to run robotframework tests with Pytest.
- Robot Framework Lint Linter for robot framework plain text files.
- Robocop Static code analysis tool for Robot Framework with use of latest robot API and many built-in rules that can be easily configured or switched off.
- robotframework-metrics Dashboard view of execution results
- robotframework-dashboard Dashboard view that provides insight of your test results across multiple runs.
Personal Assistants
- robotframework-test-assistant Use a conversational AI test assistant to control Robot Framework test suites and RPA tasks with your voice or with text commands.
- rfswarm Performance testing in robotframework
- robotframework-historic Library to capture and generate historical reports
Robot Framework Executor
- robotframework-executor Gui Application to Run the Robot Framework Test. With features like parellel execution, Batch monitor, Execution Monitor, Historical Stats, Downloads Batch/execution/historical data to csv, Bookmark test cases etc.
Robocon 2020
RoboCon 2019
- Welcome back! What's new since RoboCon 2018?
- The start of the open source RPA movement
- Evolution of Robot Framework user
- Decade with SeleniumLibrary and browsers' UI automation
- RobotFramework for Embedded Software Testing
- RENAT - a network testing plugin based on Robot Framework
- Robot Framework with Patient Monitors: Test Automation at GE Healthcare Finland
- Practical Experiences on Evaluating Software Testing Tools
- Robots from Jupyter The Future of Authoring Tests and Tasks
- Dynamically scalable test environment on top of Kubernetes
- Dynamic Generation of Model Based Testcases Using Listener Interface Version 3
- Lightning Talks I - robotframework-whitelibrary
- Lightning talk II
- Lightning talk III - DevSecOps in embedded systems
- Lightning talk IV - Testing Complext Graphical Applications & Games with RobotFramework
- Lightning talk V - Robot Framework Testing in Cloud
- Lightning talk VI - Robot Framework: More than just automation
- Turning Test Results into Big Data
RoboCon 2018
- How Did We Get Here? Where Do We Go Next?
- The Naked Truth About Successful Test Automation Journey
- Mega Robot Projects - What To Expect
- Robot Framework in Plone CMS Project
- The Importance of Open Source Communities
- Towards Contract - Based API Testing with a New Rest Json Test Library
- Extending SeleniumLibrary 3.0
- Design Patterns for Efficient Multi-Platform
- Parallel test execution with Pabot
Official Docs
- Data-Driven and Keyword-Driven Test Automation Frameworks Master's Thesis, Pekka Laukkanen
- Web Application Test Automation with Robot Framework Bachelor's Thesis, Jani Luostarinen
Shared Code Repositories
- MarketSquare A community run collection of repositories for Robot Framework. Originally featured in a RoboCon 2020 lightning talk presented by Edward Manlove.
- Face-to-Face
- Live
- Repo
- ABB Robotics
- Agile Robotics AG
- Kuka AG