Vinyl2Digital is a Python3 Pip Package for batch rendering multiple audio files using the Audacity mod-script-pipe.
Install with pip install vinyl2digital
Update with pip install --upgrade vinyl2digital
- Install the package with this command:
pip install vinyl2digital
- Enable mod-script-pipe in Audacity
- Launch Audacity from your terminal
- Windows Command Prompt Admin
- Navigate to Audacity executable location
cd C:\Program Files\Audacity>
- Launch Audacity:
start audacity.exe
- Navigate to Audacity executable location
- Mac/Linux:
open -a Audacity
- Windows Command Prompt Admin
- Record your audio and splice each track into its own selection (place cursor and press Ctrl+i)
python -m vinyl2digital -t
- You should now be able to use the vinyl2digital package from the command line to connect with Audacity and batch render multiple audio files one after the other.
- View the help page
- Test your connection to the Audacity mod-script-pipe
-i discogs
- Take a Discogs URL as input for determining how may audio files to export and what metadata to use
-i 12
- Export 12 tracks using default filenames
-f flac
- Export selections as flac audio files
-f mp3
- Export selections as mp3 audio files
-o "E:\martinradio\rips\vinyl\NewEnglandTeenScene"
- Set filepath output location
- Here are some example commands for vinyl2digital on Win10 command prompt:
python -m vinyl2digital -i discogs -f flac -o "E:\martinradio\rips\vinyl\NewEnglandTeenScene"
python -m vinyl2digital -i 5 -f mp3 -o "E:\martinradio\rips\vinyl\NewEnglandTeenScene"
- In order to develop and test this code locally clone this github repo:
git clone
- Install the necessary packages:
os, sys, requests, json, time, re
- Run locally:
python3 "vinyl2digital/vinyl2digital/" -h
- Change package version number (
$ python -m pip install --upgrade build
$ python -m build
- This will create the dist/ folder with a new packaged tar
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
pip3 install twine
python3 -m twine upload dist/*