By default, almost everything should be removed. Available programs are shown in the file Available_Programs_Windows_X. Any changes made to the image are described in autounattend.xml. For an in-depth overview of what is Unattend Windows installation, you can check out this official Microsoft page: Answer files. Windows modified using autounattend.xml does not have a browser installed. You need to install one using the Browser_downloader.bat program located on the desktop or through other methods, such as using the command prompt.
- Brain
- Windows 10 or Windows 11 ISO
- Software like AnyBurn to add autounattend.xml to ISO
- Optionally, access to the internet (without it, Edge might appear on the desktop during Windows 10 setup)
If Edge is still present for any reason (thanks, Microsoft), run the following command in PowerShell.
iex "&{$(irm} -UninstallEdge -RemoveEdgeData"
How to add autounattend.xml to Windows iso file
Installation of Windows 11 24H2 using autounattend.xml
- The original code from UnattendedWinstall is licensed under the MIT License
- Modifications and additions made in this project are licensed under the GPLv3 License