A general-purpose library for creating cellular automata with a focus on neuron interactions
Hello, this directory contains everything needed to make our cellular automota application that is based on neuronal behavior. You'll find files that contain the base cellular automata as well as the neuron version of the cellular automata that is based on the base class. Everything that was needed to build this is also contained in this repo, like all the header files and the library object that linked all necessary object files.
- Application/ (neuron cellular automata application is stored here)
- Bin/ (Exectuable files are stored here)
- Include/ (Header files are stored here)
- Lib/ (Static library w/ all object files are linked to this)
- src/ (Source C++ code that is the foundation of the cellular automata)
- Tests/ (Test cases for cellular automata is stored here)
- Utils/ (Nothing yet)
- Makefile: Makes the targets in this directory
- README.md: (this file)