aHR0cHM6Ly9yZW50cnkub3JnL3N1a2FwbHVtYmFnYXNp / https://open.spotify.com/track/1QqCaHOm1VCcTFYbMyiXVr
If you made a video about the farmbot, please upload it to YouTube with the hashtag #thankumid0 and let me know.
- Windows - Official
- Android (Termux) - OwO Sever
- Not Working Replit - Hiếu LoneLy
- Windows / Linux - Official
- Android / iOS (Termux) - Official
If you need the help, join the Discord server here
⭐・Star History
⚙・Config.json example
⚙・.env example
💎・Get Token
📍・OwO DM channel id
📚・Discord RPC
📡・Socket Client
🔗・Required Links
- Use of this farm bot may lead to actions being taken against your OwO profile and/or your Discord account. We are not responsible for them.
- Discord may restart as a result of discord RPC overload.
- It can detect virus due to captcha (ban) bypasser please turn off your antivirus.
- Auto Hunt
- Auto Battle
- Inventory Check
- Auto Gem Use (beta) with limition
- Auto Lootbox Use
- Auto Fabled Lootbox Use
- Auto Crate Use
- Auto Eventbox Use (like anniversary present or valentine's day)
- Auto Gamble
- Auto Coinflip
- Auto Slots
- Auto Animals Sell OR Sacrifice,
- Auto Upgrade Autohunt
- Auto Pray
- Auto CheckList (beta)
- Auto Quest
- Auto Daily
- Auto Cookie
- Captcha(Ban) Protection v0.1.10 (beta)
- Discord-RPC
- Typing Indicator
- Automated Workflow
- Pause when OwO bot down
- Extra Token
- All Main Token Features
- Auto Pray for Main Token
"windowssettings": { "controlcdetect": false },
"settings": {
"times": {
"enable": "", true or false
"huntbottom": 11000, / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds. Minimum time to run hunt command.
"hunttop": 16000, / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds. Maximum time to run hunt command.
"battlebottom": 10000, / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds. Minimum time to run battle command.
"battletop": 16000, / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds. Maximum time to run battle command.
"intervals": {
"animals": {
"enable": true, true or false
"time": 1200000 / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds.
"pray": {
"enable": true, true or false
"time": 303000 / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds.
"curse": {
"enable": true, true or false
"time": 303500 / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds.
"upgrade": {
"enable": true, true or false
"time": 1205000 / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds.
"gamble": {
"enable": true, true or false
"coinflip": {
"time": 25000 / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds.
"slots": {
"time": 23000 / The time to be entered must be entered in milliseconds.
"prefix": "", owo bot's prefix on your server
"huntandbattle": "", true or false
"banbypass": "", true or false
"discordrpc": "", true or false
"typingindicator": "", true or false
"pray": "", true or false
"curse": "", true or false
"cookie": "", true or false, auto send cookie to OwO on startup or not
"extratoken": "", true or false
"autoquest": "", true or false
"randommessage": "", true or false, auto send random message during farm or not
"inventory": {
"inventorycheck": "", true or false
"gemcheck": "", true or false
"lootboxcheck": "", true or false
"fabledlootboxcheck": "", true or false
"cratecheck": "", true or false
"eventcheck": "" true or false
"animals": {
"enable": "", true or false
"type": "" sell or sacrifice
"animaltype": {
"common": "", true or false
"uncommon": "", true or false
"rare": "", true or false
"epic": "", true or false
"mythical": "", true or false
"patreon": "", true or false
"cpatreon": "", true or false
"legendary": "", true or false
"gem": "", true or false
"bot": "", true or false
"distorted": "", true or false
"fabled": "", true or false
"special": "", true or false
"hidden": "" true or false
"upgradeautohunt": {
"enable": "", true or false
"type": "" efficiency, duration, cost, gain, exp or radar
"gamble": {
"coinflip": {
"default_amount"= , Enter the amount you want to start from
"max_amount": 250000, Enter the amount where the bot will not bet more than that
"multipler": , Enter a number by which the lost amount will be multipled by
"enable": "" true or false
"slots": {
"enable": "", true or false
"amount": "1"
"notifynumber": "1", //how many times to repeat the notification
"notifymethod": "", //promt or notify, how the bot will notify you
//promt only work on Windows 10 and up, default is notify
"notresponsewarning": {
"enable": false, //true or false
"value": "6" //how name time to pause when not getting response
"manualcontroller": { //some built-in automated workflow
"main": {
"stop_hunt_after_daily": false, //stop hunt after daily (daily lootbox) is completed
"stop_battle_after_daily": false, //stop battle after daily (daily crate) is completed
"stop_hunt_after_quest": false, //stop hunt after exp related quest is completed
"stop_battle_after_quest": false, //stop battle after exp related quest is completed
//if enable both daily and quest, bot will prefer to complete daily first
"maximum_gem_rarity": "" //common, uncommon, rare, epic, mythical, legendary
//blank or other will use highest gem possible
"extra": {
"stop_hunt_after_daily": false,
"stop_battle_after_daily": false,
"stop_hunt_after_quest": false,
"stop_battle_after_quest": false,
"maximum_gem_rarity": ""
"token":"", main token (if you use replit please edit .env file)
"userid":"", token user id
"channelid":"", channel id for main token
"owodmchannelid":"", owo bot dm channel id
"gamblechannelid":"", channel if for gambling
"autoquestchannelid":"" auto quest channel id
"token":"", extra token (if you use replit please edit .env file)
"userid":"", extra token user id
"channelid":"", channel id for extra token
"gamblechannelid":"", channel if for gambling
"owodmchannelid":"" extra token owo bot dm channel id
If you use Replit, you must enter your tokens in the .env file for the security of your tokens!
Optionally, you may also use the Secrets tab.
- Open your preferred browser (with developer tools) and login to https://discord.com/app
- Press CTRL + Shift + I and open the Console tab.
- Paste the following code.
- The text returned (excluding the quotes
) will be your Discord account token.
(e) => {
for (let t in ((m = []), e.c)) m.push(e.c[t]);
.find((e) => e?.exports?.default?.getToken !== void 0)
- Open Chrome
- Create a bookmark (by clicking on star button in 3 dots menu)
- Edit it and set name to Token Finder and url to the following code:
javascript: (webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[""],{},(e)=>{m=[];for (let c in e.c) m.push(e.c[c]);},]),m).find((m) => m?.exports?.default?.getToken%20!==%20void%200)%20%20%20%20.exports.default.getToken();
- Open https://discord.com/app and log in.
- Tap on search bar and type Token Finder (don't search it just type)
- Click on the bookmark named Token Finder.
- A new page will open, the text in the page will be your Discord account token.
If you want the captcha alert to work properly, turn off do not disturb, or you can use promt mode
Notify mode:
Promt mode:
Only works on Windows using Terminal
Farm Bot ZIP File
# Check Node.js version:
node -v
# Clone the files with git:
git clone https://github.com/Mid0aria/owofarmbot
# Optionally you can also download from github at https://github.com/Mid0aria/owofarmbot/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
# Enter into the cloned directory:
cd owofarmbot
# Configure the bot
notepad config.json # On windows
nano config.json # On linux, can also use any other preferred file writing software
# Run the bot:
node bot.js
# Install:
apt update -y && apt upgrade -y && pkg install wget
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mid0aria/owofarmbot/main/termux-setup.sh
sh termux-setup.sh
# Edit config.json:
cd owofarmbot
nano config.json