WARNING: beacause of syscall incompatibility, new targets also have to come with their own stdlib replacing linux.swl
WARNING: this compiler is currently at a very, very early state of development, do not expect anything to work as you want it to....
install the following dependencies:
- nasm (netwide assembler)
clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/Miezekatze64/swl
- run the compiler
./build main.swl
- run interpreted mode (EXPERIMENTAL, NOT FINISHED)
./build main.swl -i
int (64 bit signed integer)
float (not fully implemented)
bool (8 bit, 0 or 1)
char (8 bit)
void (0 bit, should not be used as type)
unchecked (will be removed, if type variables are fully implemented)
// single-line comment /* multi line comment */
int a = 0; a += 42 / 132; bool b = a == 42; bool c = !(b != false); ...
string test = "Hello, World!";
Conditional statements:
if (1 == 1) { println("is true"); } else if (0 == 1) { println("THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE"); } else { println("WTF!?"); }
while (true) { println("HERE"); }
func name(int arg0, string arg1) -> bool { // function content }
func main() -> int { // return 42 <- 42; }
alias string = [char];
struct LinedList { LinkedList* next; LinkdexList* prev; int len; int index; }
LinkedList list = LinkedList { next: next_list; prev: prev_list; len: 42; index: 0; };
Reading values:.
LinkedList list = /* something */; int a = list.len;
Member functions:
include "./std.swl" func to_string(bool self) -> string from bool { if (self) { <- "true"; } <- "false"; } func main() -> int { println(0.to_string(); <- 0; }
Type variable (currently under development):
// type variabled have to start with an underscore ('_') // and are inferred by the compiler func id(_a a) -> _a { <- a; }
Type classes (currently under development):
typeclass Showable a { func to_string(a val) -> string; }
Type class instances:
instance Showable bool { func to_string(bool b) -> string { if (b) { <- "true"; } else { <- "false"; } } }
// as[type, expression] int i = as[int, 'c']; int addr = as[int, ref i]; // ...
Linking with object files:
#link "./test.o"
Linking with shared libraries:
#link_lib "c" #link_lib "SDL2"
External functions (defined in libraries / object files):
extern func puts(char *str);
Loading of compiler intrinsics (should only be used in stdlib..):
// consider using casts instead intrinsic convert as __unsafe_convert(unchecked) -> unchecked;
For future syntax / semantic changes look at TODO.md
// include standard library
include "std.swl"
// declaration of main entrypoint
func main() -> int {
// call `println` function from `std.swl`
println("Hello, World!");
// return success
<- 0;
- more examples are located in the swl/examples directory