A compilation of game-ready retro style 3d graphic assets (think PS1) that are commercially usable with no attribution, share-alike, or such required.
- upload your assets to itch.io
- add a note saying what you made and that it's under cc0 license
- CREDIT YOUR TEXTURES IF YOU GOT THEM FROM SOMEWHERE (on your asset page put a link to the site along with the site's licensing info), if you handpainted them or took the base picture yourself please mention that on the page so I know you didn't just forget to include credits.
- create an issue on this github project with a link to your assets
You must have commercial rights to all parts of the assets! You cannot submit anything that uses texture found on google images randomly. Textures must be from sites like CC0Textures.com, texturehaven.com, pexels.com, or any other site that allows textures/images to be used in games with no attribution or restrictions and ALSO allows redistribution of assets made from them. 3D models and animations must also be made by you, cc0, or from sources that allow commercial use without attribution and are not under share-alike licenses (if this is the case, put links to where you got them from in the pages description).
things this collection could use:
- fantasy stuff
- contemporary stuff
- scifi stuff
- rigged characters
- modular building pieces
- skyboxes/skyspheres
- vehicles
- furniture
- nature
- weapons
- animals
- decals/particle textures like fire/blood
- retro style fonts, icons, and ui themes
- Classic64 Asset Library: https://craigsnedeker.itch.io/classic64-asset-library
- pine trees and rocks: https://nartier.itch.io/ps1-style-nature-assets
- fish and a raven: https://cokeenthusiast.itch.io/ps1-style-fish
- PSX Tree Pack: https://elegantcrow.itch.io/psx-retro-style-tree-pack
- wild bat models: https://obliviist.itch.io/ps1psx-style-wild-bats
- alpaca & capybara models: https://obliviist.itch.io/ps1psx-style-alpaca-capybara-models
- Retro Modular Hedge Maze: https://elegantcrow.itch.io/retro-modular-hedge-maze
- Retro psx nature pack: https://elegantcrow.itch.io/retro-psx-nature-pack
- modular hedges: https://valsekamerplant.itch.io/psx-style-hedges
- low poly PSX Tree: https://mextie.itch.io/low-poly-psx-tree
- PSX style house plants: https://valsekamerplant.itch.io/psx-style-house-plants-and-pots
- urban kit(100 models): https://kenney.nl/assets/retro-urban-kit
- mailbox: https://opengameart.org/content/low-poly-textured-mailbox
- brick building, concrete building, road, sidewalk: https://nartier.itch.io/ps1-style-industrial-buildings
- stiff chair: https://samybencherif.itch.io/uncomfortable-looking-yellow-chair
- cabinet: https://willffffffffff.itch.io/low-poly-cabinet
- European small family car (1960s and 1970s): https://ggbot.itch.io/psx-style-car
- Train and Railway: https://ace-x6.itch.io/train-and-railway-ps1-style
- Modern Weapons: https://ace-x6.itch.io/modern-weapons-ps1-style
- Metal and Explosive Barrels: https://xiiixvv.itch.io/ps1-styled-barrels
- Low-Poly M4A1: https://opengameart.org/content/low-poly-m4a1
- forklift, chain, hook, barreL: https://scoppio.itch.io/forklift-chain-hook-and-barrel
- barrel: https://bvoigtlaender.itch.io/barrel
- crate: https://retroarchy.itch.io/psx-style-crate
- Rural House Prefabs: https://ace-x6.itch.io/rural-house-prefabs-ps1-style
- German police officer, police car, and handgun: https://stephrobertgames.itch.io/german-police-officer-set
- German police officer alt: https://stephrobertgames.itch.io/german-police-officer
- Road barriers: https://retroarchy.itch.io/ps1-road-barriers
- Skyscrapers: https://elegantcrow.itch.io/retro-skyscraper-pack
- Two dieselpunk tanks: https://chilly-durango.itch.io/2dieselpunktanks
- Retro Modular House Pack: https://elegantcrow.itch.io/retro-modular-house-pack
- 3D Retro Shacks Shanties Sheds & Gantries: https://chilly-durango.itch.io/3dretroshacks
- Low-Poly Glock Model: https://mextie.itch.io/low-poly-glock
- PS1 Heavy and Light Weapons Pack: https://ace-spectre.itch.io/ps1-heavy-and-light-weapons-pack
- 3D Retro Plumbing, Wiring & Machinery: https://chilly-durango.itch.io/3d-retro-plumbing-wiring
- Double Barrel Shotgun Psx Style: https://cemckrc.itch.io/double-barrel-shotgun-psx-ps1-style
- Fps Arms Psx Style: https://cemckrc.itch.io/fps-arms-psx-style
- Pack of low poly psx style models: https://elbolilloduro.itch.io/paquete-de-modelos-low-poly-estilo-psx-2
- Retro house pack: https://elegantcrow.itch.io/retro-house-pack
- Low poly asset pack: https://studionokoi.itch.io/low-poly-assets-1
- Retro Radio: https://aleksicluka.itch.io/low-poly-retro-radio
- Old Wooden Stool: https://aleksicluka.itch.io/low-poly-old-wooden-stool
- Unrigged cartoon woman: https://stephrobertgames.itch.io/cartoon-woman-retro-psx-low-poly
- Modular Vents: https://valsekamerplant.itch.io/psx-style-modular-vents
- 80s style anime character: https://stephrobertgames.itch.io/anime-character-low-poly-psx
- PSX Paper Texures: https://opengameart.org/content/psx-paper-textures-32x32px
- lofi ordinary man: https://stephrobertgames.itch.io/lofi-ordinary-man
- modular fences: https://valsekamerplant.itch.io/psx-style-fences
- Sewers: https://elbolilloduro.itch.io/sewers
- Mine: https://elbolilloduro.itch.io/mine
- retro textures pack: https://little-martian.itch.io/retro-texture-pack
- medieval weapons: https://opengameart.org/content/ps1-medieval-weapons-sword-spear-shield-and-mace
- armored knight: https://scoppio.itch.io/fullplate-armor-knight
- witch hat: https://opengameart.org/content/low-poly-witch-hat
- various retro textures: https://opengameart.org/content/various-retro-textures
- villager men: https://stephrobertgames.itch.io/villager-men-psxlowpoly-design
- modular castle kit: https://kenney.nl/assets/retro-medieval-kit
- Medieval/Fantasy Building Parts/Furnishings: https://chilly-durango.itch.io/medieval-building-parts
- vase model: https://printer-not-found.itch.io/psx-pot
- Bigfoot model: https://elegantcrow.itch.io/retro-rigged-bigfoot
- retro modular dungeon tileset: https://valsekamerplant.itch.io/retro-modular-dungeon-tileset
- 32x32 prototype textures: https://opengameart.org/content/prototype-textures-32x32px
- unreal retro shaders: https://github.com/DaveFace/UnrealRetroShaders
- list of shaders for different engines: #43