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@richfab richfab released this 11 Apr 12:36
· 53 commits to master since this release

Released April 11, 2024
Modified April 11, 2024

MAJOR Release - not backwards compatible.

What's Changed

For all files

Timestamps MUST now be strings in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

IDs MUST now be in the ASCII printable character range, space excluded, and SHOULD be restricted to A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and .@:/_- (eg: D9:N_c) (#545).

Enum values MUST now be lowercase (eg: bicycle) (#474).

gbfs.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

manifest.json (new)

This new endpoint is an index, required for publishers of feeds for multiple cities (#462).

gbfs_versions.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

system_information.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

languages (new) allows to list the languages used in Localized Strings (required) (#460).

name (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

opening_hours (new) allows to specify the hours and dates of operation for the system (required). It replaces system_hours.json and system_calendar.json (#328).

short_name (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

operator (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

termination_date (new) allows to notify data consumers of a permanent (non-seasonal) shutdown of the feeds (#497).

phone_number (updated) is now in E.164 format (#351).

feed_contact_email (updated) is now required (#454).

manifest_url (new) allows pointing to the manifest.json file (#462).

license_id (new) allows to specify if the dataset is provided under a standard license (#182).

license_url (updated) is now required if the dataset is provided under a customized license (#182).

attribution_organization_name (new) and attribution_url (new) allow to specify if the feed license requires attribution (#182).

terms_url (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

privacy_url (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

vehicle_types.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

form_factor (updated) enum no longer allows the value scooter. It was replaced by scooter_standing and scooter_seated (#370).

eco_labels (updated) replaces eco_label (#559).

name (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

make (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

model (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

description (new) allows to add a description of the vehicle type outlining special features or how-tos (#470).

station_information.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

name (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

short_name (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

station_opening_hours (new) allows to specify the hours of operation for the station (#328).

vehicle_types_capacity (updated) is now an Array of Objects to model the parking capacity of virtual stations for each vehicle type. It replaces vehicle_capacity (#547).

vehicle_docks_capacity (updated) is now an Array of Objects to model the docking capacity of a station for each vehicle type. It replaces vehicle_type_capacity (#547).

station_status.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

num_vehicles_available (updated) replaces num_bikes_available (#354).

num_vehicles_disabled (updated) replaces num_bikes_disabled (#354).

vehicle_status.json (updated) (formerly free_bike_status.json)

This endpoint replaces free_bike_status.json (#354).

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

vehicles (updated) replaces bikes (#354).

vehicle_id (updated) replaces bike_id (#354).

rental_uris.[android,ios,web] (updated) vehicle identifiers within deep links MUST now be rotated after each rental to avoid unintentionally exposing private vehicle trip origins and destinations (#247).

system_hours.json (removed)

This endpoint was replaced by the field opening_hours in system_information.json.

system_calendar.json (removed)

This endpoint was replaced by the field opening_hours in system_information.json.

system_regions.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

name (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

system_pricing_plans.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

name (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

price (updated) may now only be a Non-Negative Float (eg: 1.50) (#352).

description (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

system_alerts.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

url (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

summary (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

description (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

geofencing_zones.json (updated)

last_updated (updated) is now a string in RFC3339 format (eg: 2024-01-24T12:52:40+01:00) (#522).

​​geometry (updated) is now agnostic of the rotation direction of polygon points. Rules may now only apply to the interior of a polygon (#481).

name (updated) is now an Array of Localized Strings (#460).

global_rules (new) allows to define restrictions that apply everywhere (#481).

vehicle_type_ids (updated) replaces vehicle_type_id (#542).

Full Changelog: v2.3...v3.0


Full Changelog: v2.3...v3.0