This is my Final Year Engineering project. The aim of the project is to get best content while reading any news article. As nowadays NEWS articles are bias and can be very influencial. People tend to form opinion based on NEWS or current affair.
The project has three features first is ranking of the content, summarisation of news and detect fake news probability.
- Ranking of news-:we are scrapping the five top news paper in India for this project, the content will be latest for 24 hours, all the new which are released by the publication house will be scarped and for a particular news the user is reading from one publication house four other options will be shown or four similar options will be shown, which will be based on the ranking algorithm which we created to rank the content on the features such as structure of the article,grammer used, length of article, etc. The user can compare the article with points if there is other article with same content has better way of presenting it.User can used the link to read that artice.
- Summarisation-: we dont like to read the whole used everytime. so user can use the summirisation option on the our web to get summary of the article.
- Fake News-: The regression algorithm will predict the probalitiy of the article being fake if probability is more than 60% it will mark the article as fake so that user has some awareness before reading it.