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Freedcamp API wrapper.

This module provides a generic Freedcamp API wrapper which includes Auth and Issues access.

import {FCAuth, FCIssues} from '@momsfriendlydevco/freedcamp';

let fcAuth = new FCAuth({
    // Freedcamp API access
    secret: 'XXX',
    apikey: 'XXX',
    project: 'XXX', // Primary project to use (can be overridden with `{global: false}`)

    // Caching options
    // This will work out of the box using the local filesystem
    // For more complex config see
    // Can be either a string / array for caching modules, an object or caching options or a Cache() instance
    cache: {},

// Establish access
await fcAuth.init();

// Access Freedcamp issues
let fcIssues = new FCIssues({auth: fcAuth});

// Fetch everything
await fcIssues.fetchAll() //= Array<Object>

// Fetch an issue by its reference (e.g. `ABC-1234`)
await fcIssues.get('ABC-1234') //= Object


Below is a selection of relevent API methods. See the source code for the full JSDoc commented function definitions and data specs.


Class constructor for a Freedcamp Authorization instance.

Options can be the strings secret, apikey, project to specify Freedcamp options

Caching options can be specified via cache matching the spec used by @MomsFriendlyDevCo/cache - but will work out of the box using the local filesystem.


Setup the auth library, optionally reading in .env files or environment variables.


Class constructor for a Freedcamp Issues instance.

Options can be auth which is a FCAuth instance and/or cache which is an overriding cache if this differs from that in the auth option.


Issue specifier format used by this module. This format is used for individual issues returned by FCIssues.get() or all issues from FCIssues.fetchAll().

Property Type Description
id String The FC ID of the issue
project String The FC Project ID of the issue
ref String The human readable reference
title String The issue title
assignee String The name of the person assigned
status String The status title of the issue
url String The URL of the issue
html String HTML body of the issue
raw Object The raw, original issue object (only provided if FCIssues.includeRaw is truthy)
comments Array<Object> Optional comment stream (available via FCIssues.get(ref, {comments: true})) String The FC comment ID
comments.created Number The original creation date of the comment in JavaScript Unix epoc
comments.edited Number Comment last updated (or omitted if not)
comments.user String The name of the poster
comments.url String Direct link to the comment
comments.html String HTML body of the comment
comments.raw String The raw, original comment object (only provided if FCIssues.includeRaw is truthy)


Fetch all issues and optionally cache for future reference This function uses caching by default unless options.cache.enabled=false.

Options can be:

Option Type Default Description
force Boolean false Whether to force the search, even if caching is present
global Boolean false Fetch issues from all projects instead of just the primary project
limit Number 100 How many issues to pull down at once
offset Number -1 Overriding offset to start pulling from, will pull once only and ignore page calculations, use -1 to disable

Returns a promise which will resolve with the full collection of all issues fetched.

FCIssues.get(ref, options)

Fetch an issue by its ref (e.g. ABC-1234). This will use the cached issue if it is available.

Options can be:

Option Type Default Description
global Boolean false Fetch issues from all projects instead of just the primary project
comments Boolean false Also fetch associated comment collection
cache Object cache.worker() options

Returns a promise which will resolve with the found issue, if any.


Freedcamp API helper







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