📌 Project Overview This project involves analyzing and visualizing sales data from 9,000+ records using Excel dashboards, pivot tables, and various charts. The goal is to provide insights into sales trends, revenue patterns, customer behavior, and profitability through an interactive and structured approach.
🔍 Key Features
✅ Data Cleaning & Preprocessing – Removed errors, handled missing values, and ensured data consistency.
✅ Regional Insights – Examined sales distribution by state/region to identify high-performing areas.
✅ Dynamic Dashboard – Created an interactive Excel dashboard consolidating all key insights for easy decision-making.
Bar Charts – Sales by category and customer segments Line Graphs – Revenue and profit trends over time Pie Charts – Product category distribution and customer demographics Pivot Tables – Structured data for in-depth insights
Download the Excel file from the repository. Open the file in Microsoft Excel (2016 or later). Navigate through the dashboard and pivot tables to explore insights. Apply filters or customize charts to analyze specific trends.
Contains 9,000+ sales records. Fields: Date, Customer ID, Category, Product, Revenue, Profit, Region, State, etc. 🛠 Tools Used Microsoft Excel (Pivot Tables, Charts, Dashboards) Data Cleaning Techniques
(Attach a screenshot of your dashboard here)
- Identified top-performing customers and regions driving sales.
- Recognized seasonal trends affecting revenue and profit.
- Provided an interactive dashboard for quick business decision-making.
bash Copy Edit
📂 Excel-Sales-Dashboard
├── 📄 ProjectExcel.xlsx # Excel file with dashboard & analysis
├── 📄 README.md # Project documentation
└── 📁 Images # Screenshots of dashboard & charts
Feel free to fork this repository, report issues, or suggest improvements.
For any queries, reach out via muk.786422@gmail.com.