Version 2.5.8
**The PIO team is pleased to release version 2.5.8 of the PIO library. This release includes bug fixes, and more tests. Get the latest release from:
We have added a PIOc_InitDecomp_ReadOnly for simultaneous reading and filling halo regions. Decompositions created using this call can only be used for read operations.
See for documentation.
What is PIO?
The Parallel IO libraries (PIO) are high-level parallel I/O C and Fortran libraries for applications that need to do netCDF I/O from large numbers of processors on a HPC system.
PIO provides a netCDF-like API, and allows users to designate some subset of processors to perform IO. Computational code calls netCDF-like functions to read and write data, and PIO uses the IO processors to perform all necessary IO.
PIO also supports the creation of multiple computation components, each containing many processors, and one shared set of IO processors. The computational components can perform write operation asynchronously, and the IO processors will take care of all storage interaction.
See the PIO web site for more information:
Our PIO paper for the 2021 AMS meeting is here:
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