Grails utilities and extensions plugin
This plugin is developed for Grails 4.x with the matching Groovy 2.5.6 and Gradle 5.1.1. It may be helpful to set environment variables thusly:
GRAILS_OPTS=-server -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
Use ./grailsShell
to get a reasonable Grails shell (REPL).
After exiting, you will still have to ^C
TODO: worked with Grails 4.0.1, broken in 4.0.3
Version number is set in application.gradle
to avoid messing around in build.gradle
Use ./grailsw install
to install to your local Maven repo (e.g. ~/.m2/
Use ./grailsw publish-plugin
to publish to your internal Maven remote repo,
defined by internalMavenPublishUrl
in local.gradle
This plugin is a follow-up to the legcacy "ncareol-extensions" plugin for Grails 2.3.x, which has been archived at:
See the Apache License 2.0 in file LICENSE.
UCAR is the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. NCAR is the National Center for Atmospheric Research. UCAR is funded by the National Science Foundation to operate NCAR. Please visit the UCAR website for more information.
This project is hosted on the "NCAR" github account, which is also used for class names, but package names are prefixed with "edu.ucar". This follows the Java convention since the primary domain name for NCAR is "" ("" has historically been unused). Previous non-public versions of this project used "ncareol" in project and class names with the "" package, named for an organizational divison. The "ucar" github account is unused.