Note: The era5 branch and ufs-replay branch are leveraging off of the current main branch at this moment.
- /env/anemoi_pipeline.yaml
3) Pull in the latest branch/version of the Anemoi modules of interest & save them under your local /anemoi folder:
anemoi-datasets (
anemoi-graphs (
anemoi-models (
anemoi-training (
anemoi-utils (
*Note: Versions of the following repos being tested against era5 can be found under
- anemoi-datasets (main) - pulled on 10/07/24 1:08pm ET
- anemoi-utils (develop) - pulled on 10/07/24 1:08pm ET
- anemoi-graphs (develop) - pulled on 10/07/24 1:08pm ET
- anemoi-training (develop) - pulled on 10/07/24 1:08pm ET
- anemoi-models (develop) - pulled on 10/07/24 1:08pm ET
- Generate_ERA5_Data_Subset.ipynb
*Note: Generated ERA5 data sample will be saved under '/sample_data/gcp_era5_subset.zarr'
Demo I: Dataset Module
To convert multi-dimension dataset (e.g. zarr) saved under /sample_data/gcp_era5_subset.zarr to an Anemoi-Formatted Zarr based on the configuration file set under /datasets_configs (e.g. /datasets_configs/local-gcp-sample-zarr.yaml), run first two cells under Demo I.
Also, could leverage the Anemoi-Formatted Zarr sample being tested on Perlmutter, which is located under: /pscratch/sd/s/schin/pipeline/anemoi-pipeline/anemoi-local-gcp-sample-zarr.zarr
Demo II: Graph Module
Generate the neural network graph based on the configuration file residing under /graphs_configs (e.g. /graphs_configs/local_gcp_encoder_processor_decoder_connect_bw_hiddens_recipe.yaml)
To generate graph, run the first two cells under Demo II.
To inspect the generated graph, run the fourth cell under Demo II.
Demo III: Training Module
- To train GNN model type of interest based on the various configuration files required for training (refer to the listed configuration files in the Demo III), run all cells under Demo III.
*Note: If an ECMWF developer modifies a given anemoi module's list of "command" scripts, then new arguments for a given anemoi module may arise & this demo would have to accomodate for the change.