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* Add missing calc_derived_thermo call

In non-Boussinesq mode, calc_derived_thermo needs to be called before
diag_update_remap_grids.  Commit 23b2049 appears to require an extra call.
Without the call, MOM6 issues a FATAL error message.


A new parameter, INTERFACE_FILTER_DT_BUG, is added to fix two bugs in
the time interval passed to interface_filter and to thickness_diffuse.

This parameter has no effect, and is not read or logged, when
Its default is false which will change answers in the rare existing cases
with the bug.  In such cases, the original answers can be restored by
setting INTERFACE_FILTER_DT_BUG to true.
  • Loading branch information
awallcraft authored Mar 10, 2025
1 parent 9e3cc84 commit 9aa04ee
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 24 deletions.
77 changes: 53 additions & 24 deletions src/core/MOM.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -302,6 +302,8 @@ module MOM
!! after any calls to thickness_diffuse.
logical :: thickness_diffuse !< If true, diffuse interface height w/ a diffusivity KHTH.
logical :: thickness_diffuse_first !< If true, diffuse thickness before dynamics.
logical :: interface_filter_dt_bug !< If true, uses the wrong time interval in
!! calls to interface_filter and thickness_diffuse.
logical :: mixedlayer_restrat !< If true, use submesoscale mixed layer restratifying scheme.
logical :: useMEKE !< If true, call the MEKE parameterization.
logical :: use_stochastic_EOS !< If true, use the stochastic EOS parameterizations.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -550,7 +552,7 @@ subroutine step_MOM(forces_in, fluxes_in, sfc_state, Time_start, time_int_in, CS
real :: dtdia ! time step for diabatic processes [T ~> s]
real :: dt_tr_adv ! time step for tracer advection [T ~> s]
real :: dt_therm ! a limited and quantized version of CS%dt_therm [T ~> s]
real :: dt_therm_here ! a further limited value of dt_therm [T ~> s]
real :: dt_tradv_here ! a further limited value of dt_tr_adv [T ~> s]

real :: wt_end, wt_beg ! Fractional weights of the future pressure at the end
! and beginning of the current time step [nondim]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -914,9 +916,15 @@ subroutine step_MOM(forces_in, fluxes_in, sfc_state, Time_start, time_int_in, CS
enddo ; enddo ; enddo

dt_therm_here = dt_therm
if (do_thermo .and. do_dyn .and. .not.thermo_does_span_coupling) &
dt_therm_here = dt*min(ntstep, n_max-n+1)
if (CS%interface_filter_dt_bug) then
dt_tradv_here = dt_therm
if (do_thermo .and. do_dyn .and. .not.thermo_does_span_coupling) &
dt_tradv_here = dt*min(ntstep, n_max-n+1)
dt_tradv_here = dt_tr_adv
if (do_thermo .and. do_dyn .and. .not.tradv_does_span_coupling) &
dt_tradv_here = dt*min(ntstep, n_max-n+1)

! Indicate whether the bottom boundary layer properties need to be
! recalculated, and if so for how long an interval they are valid.
Expand All @@ -943,7 +951,7 @@ subroutine step_MOM(forces_in, fluxes_in, sfc_state, Time_start, time_int_in, CS
if (associated(CS%HA_CSp)) call HA_accum_FtF(Time_Local, CS%HA_CSp)

call step_MOM_dynamics(forces, CS%p_surf_begin, CS%p_surf_end, dt, &
dt_therm_here, bbl_time_int, CS, &
dt_tradv_here, bbl_time_int, CS, &
Time_local, Waves=Waves)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1149,7 +1157,7 @@ subroutine step_MOM(forces_in, fluxes_in, sfc_state, Time_start, time_int_in, CS
end subroutine step_MOM

!> Time step the ocean dynamics, including the momentum and continuity equations
subroutine step_MOM_dynamics(forces, p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, dt, dt_thermo, &
subroutine step_MOM_dynamics(forces, p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, dt, dt_tr_adv, &
bbl_time_int, CS, Time_local, Waves)
type(mech_forcing), intent(in) :: forces !< A structure with the driving mechanical forces
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: p_surf_begin !< A pointer (perhaps NULL) to the surface
Expand All @@ -1159,7 +1167,7 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dynamics(forces, p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, dt, dt_thermo, &
!! pressure at the end of this dynamic step,
!! intent in [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa].
real, intent(in) :: dt !< time interval covered by this call [T ~> s].
real, intent(in) :: dt_thermo !< time interval covered by any updates that may
real, intent(in) :: dt_tr_adv !< time interval covered by any updates that may
!! span multiple dynamics steps [T ~> s].
real, intent(in) :: bbl_time_int !< time interval over which updates to the
!! bottom boundary layer properties will apply [T ~> s],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1211,12 +1219,12 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dynamics(forces, p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, dt, dt_thermo, &
if ((CS%t_dyn_rel_adv == 0.0) .and. CS%thickness_diffuse_first .and. &
(CS%thickness_diffuse .or. CS%interface_filter)) then

call enable_averages(dt_thermo, Time_local+real_to_time(US%T_to_s*(dt_thermo-dt)), CS%diag)
call enable_averages(dt_tr_adv, Time_local+real_to_time(US%T_to_s*(dt_tr_adv-dt)), CS%diag)
if (CS%thickness_diffuse) then
call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_thick_diff)
if (CS%VarMix%use_variable_mixing) &
call calc_slope_functions(h, CS%tv, dt, G, GV, US, CS%VarMix, OBC=CS%OBC)
call thickness_diffuse(h, CS%uhtr, CS%vhtr, CS%tv, dt_thermo, G, GV, US, &
call thickness_diffuse(h, CS%uhtr, CS%vhtr, CS%tv, dt_tr_adv, G, GV, US, &
CS%MEKE, CS%VarMix, CS%CDp, CS%thickness_diffuse_CSp)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_thick_diff)
call pass_var(h, G%Domain, clock=id_clock_pass, halo=max(2,CS%cont_stencil))
Expand All @@ -1227,7 +1235,7 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dynamics(forces, p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, dt, dt_thermo, &
if (allocated(CS%tv%SpV_avg)) call pass_var(CS%tv%SpV_avg, G%Domain, clock=id_clock_pass)
CS%tv%valid_SpV_halo = min(G%Domain%nihalo, G%Domain%njhalo)
call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_int_filter)
call interface_filter(h, CS%uhtr, CS%vhtr, CS%tv, dt_thermo, G, GV, US, &
call interface_filter(h, CS%uhtr, CS%vhtr, CS%tv, dt_tr_adv, G, GV, US, &
CS%CDp, CS%interface_filter_CSp)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_int_filter)
call pass_var(h, G%Domain, clock=id_clock_pass, halo=max(2,CS%cont_stencil))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1379,8 +1387,13 @@ subroutine step_MOM_dynamics(forces, p_surf_begin, p_surf_end, dt, dt_thermo, &
if (allocated(CS%tv%SpV_avg)) call pass_var(CS%tv%SpV_avg, G%Domain, clock=id_clock_pass)
CS%tv%valid_SpV_halo = min(G%Domain%nihalo, G%Domain%njhalo)
call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_int_filter)
call interface_filter(h, CS%uhtr, CS%vhtr, CS%tv, dt_thermo, G, GV, US, &
CS%CDp, CS%interface_filter_CSp)
if (CS%interface_filter_dt_bug) then
call interface_filter(h, CS%uhtr, CS%vhtr, CS%tv, dt_tr_adv, G, GV, US, &
CS%CDp, CS%interface_filter_CSp)
call interface_filter(h, CS%uhtr, CS%vhtr, CS%tv, dt, G, GV, US, &
CS%CDp, CS%interface_filter_CSp)
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_int_filter)
call pass_var(h, G%Domain, clock=id_clock_pass, halo=max(2,CS%cont_stencil))
if (showCallTree) call callTree_waypoint("finished interface_filter (step_MOM)")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1842,9 +1855,15 @@ subroutine ALE_regridding_and_remapping(CS, G, GV, US, u, v, h, tv, dtdia, Time_
if (showCallTree) call callTree_waypoint("finished ALE_regrid (ALE_regridding_and_remapping)")
call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_ALE)

! Update derived thermodynamic quantities.
if (allocated(CS%tv%SpV_avg)) then
call calc_derived_thermo(CS%tv, CS%h, G, GV, US, halo=1, debug=CS%debug)

! Whenever thickness changes let the diag manager know, target grids
! for vertical remapping may need to be regenerated. This needs to
! happen after the H update and before the next post_data.
! for vertical remapping may need to be regenerated. In non-Boussinesq mode,
! calc_derived_thermo needs to be called before diag_update_remap_grids.
! This needs to happen after the H update and before the next post_data.
call diag_update_remap_grids(CS%diag)

call postALE_tracer_diagnostics(CS%tracer_Reg, G, GV, CS%diag, dtdia)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2428,16 +2447,6 @@ subroutine initialize_MOM(Time, Time_init, param_file, dirs, CS, &
"BULKMIXEDLAYER can not be used with USE_REGRIDDING. "//&
"The default is influenced by ENABLE_THERMODYNAMICS.", &
default=use_temperature .and. .not.CS%use_ALE_algorithm)
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "THICKNESSDIFFUSE", CS%thickness_diffuse, &
"If true, isopycnal surfaces are diffused with a Laplacian "//&
"coefficient of KHTH.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "APPLY_INTERFACE_FILTER", CS%interface_filter, &
"If true, model interface heights are subjected to a grid-scale "//&
"dependent spatial smoothing, often with biharmonic filter.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "THICKNESSDIFFUSE_FIRST", CS%thickness_diffuse_first, &
"If true, do thickness diffusion or interface height smoothing before dynamics. "//&
"This is only used if THICKNESSDIFFUSE or APPLY_INTERFACE_FILTER is true.", &
default=.false., do_not_log=.not.(CS%thickness_diffuse.or.CS%interface_filter))
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "USE_POROUS_BARRIER", CS%use_porbar, &
"If true, use porous barrier to constrain the widths "//&
"and face areas at the edges of the grid cells. ", &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2493,6 +2502,26 @@ subroutine initialize_MOM(Time, Time_init, param_file, dirs, CS, &
if ( CS%diabatic_first .and. (CS%dt_tr_adv /= CS%dt_therm) ) then
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "THICKNESSDIFFUSE", CS%thickness_diffuse, &
"If true, isopycnal surfaces are diffused with a Laplacian "//&
"coefficient of KHTH.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "APPLY_INTERFACE_FILTER", CS%interface_filter, &
"If true, model interface heights are subjected to a grid-scale "//&
"dependent spatial smoothing, often with biharmonic filter.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "THICKNESSDIFFUSE_FIRST", CS%thickness_diffuse_first, &
"If true, do thickness diffusion or interface height smoothing before dynamics. "//&
"This is only used if THICKNESSDIFFUSE or APPLY_INTERFACE_FILTER is true.", &
default=.false., do_not_log=.not.(CS%thickness_diffuse.or.CS%interface_filter))
CS%interface_filter_dt_bug = .false.
if ((.not.CS%thickness_diffuse_first .and. CS%interface_filter) .or. &
(CS%thickness_diffuse_first .and. (CS%thickness_diffuse .or. CS%interface_filter) &
.and. (CS%dt_tr_adv /= CS%dt_therm))) then
call get_param(param_file, "MOM", "INTERFACE_FILTER_DT_BUG", CS%interface_filter_dt_bug, &
"If true, uses the wrong time interval in calls to interface_filter "//&
"and thickness_diffuse. Has no effect when THICKNESSDIFFUSE_FIRST is "//&
"is false and APPLY_INTERFACE_FILTER is false. ", default=.false.)

if (bulkmixedlayer) then
CS%Hmix = -1.0 ; CS%Hmix_UV = -1.0
Expand Down

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