Software stack containing all the required pieces to use Lego Mindstorms NXT with ROS
The repository is expected to be used as the source folder of a working catkin environnement.
mkdir nxt
cd nxt
git clone --recursive src
catkin init
catkin build
You now have all the required packages to run the ros-nxt core.
In order to communicate with the NXT, you will need to set the correct permissions.
sudo groupadd lego
sudo usermod -a -G lego $(id -un)
echo "SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0694", GROUP="lego", MODE="0660"" > /tmp/70-lego.rules && sudo mv /tmp/70-lego.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/70-lego.rules
You can now reboot your system and hook up your NXT.
The nxt-ros packages depends on:
- ROS Kinetic
- Python 3
- NXT Python v3 (shipped as submodule)
As for any catkin package, you first need to add its folders to your environnement (make sure to select the correct file for your system).
cd nxt
source devel/setup.(bash|sh|zsh)
You can then start ros core and use any componnents of the nxt stack: