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ItsNeil edited this page Dec 16, 2021 · 7 revisions

Haven't set up the bot yet? Check out Setting up the bot first!

Devoloper mode

You will need Devoloper Mode to setup, If you already have devoloper mode enabled on discord you can continue, if you don't then here's how you can enable it. Go to your discord settings -> Advanced -> Enable "Devoloper Mode" you're done!

Run file

Once you run the file it will ask you for some things and once you provide them it will set it up for you! If you want to do it manually, you can read below.

WARNING: We recommend using, though it's completely your choice. You can read below to get to know how to do it manually and read above to get to know how you can do it with our script.

Opening ENV

Open the .env file


First is the token, you need to again go to the Discord Developer Portal and go to the "Bot" section and click "Copy" under "Click to Reveal Token " Image and paste it after the "TOKEN="


Here you can configure the prefix, enter whatever prefix you want for your bot.

Devoloper mode

If you already have devoloper mode enabled on discord you can continue, if you don't then here's how you can enable it. Go to your discord settings -> Advanced -> Enable "Devoloper Mode" you're done!

Member role

Right click on your Member role and click "Copy ID" then paste it after MEMBER_ROLE=. This role is used for permissions.

Moderator role

Right click on Moderator role and click on "Copy ID" then paste it after MODERATOR_ROLE=. This role is used for moderation commands.

Admin role

Right click on your Adminstrator role and click "Copy ID" then paste it after ADMIN_ROLE=. This role has access to all of the bots command. Make sure only the people you trust have this role.