4.0.0 (2019-06-09)
- version error (b71d894)
- remove values in config that are not needed anymore (a37b31a)
- spelling mistake
- update init to use the new resource system (56034e1)
- spelling mistake
3.2.5 (2019-05-17)
- remove images/map folder (87e8696)
- remove random print from control file (2910f2a)
- update changeServer to reset controls (46e42b3), closes #33
- update marker accuracy (50ee202)
- add "groupPlayers" to config (ee2b957), closes #32 #32
- add a stiched image of the normal tileset (8fedeba)
- blip controls breaking when switching servers (b15938f)
- leaflet error in production (3301a68)
- nav item's class. (e19a93b)
- player clusters not being clickable (aaa159a)
- popup flickering on players (0149d21)
- increase marker accuracy (878ee15)
- move fonts (1920cf3)
- rename pre-push to post-commit (d1cc408)
- update bootstrap to 4.1.3 (2c5359f)
- update font paths back to relative (e65f4b0)
- add clustering player icons (c162950)
- add defaults to config (f393b91)
- add new console._log function (493ba08)
- add player filtering (3c3780c)
- add utils/config.html (4ccebec)
- accuracy issues in the map markers (9449dec)
- config defaults when loading config (0b7ef8d)
- controls being disabled on zoom (f550b78)
- controls not working with leaflet (efc8913), closes #20
- add tiles used during development (2a01e44)
- changed bundler software (6afa8d4)
- moved vendor files into a vendor folder (7d82699)
- moved version check to JS (4255667)
- remove php utility files (8a279d1)
- update files to use new config.json file (618bc39)
- update font-awesome fonts (ac76737)
- update js names for new build system (d52ed41)
- update map utils for better accuracy with new framework (792cfbb)
- update scripts to use new global variables (213a1e0)
- update static markers to new map (8d7c2d6)
- update utils to new map (096e84e)
- update webpack config to match previous PHP minifier (d6367be)
- add bundler configs (ffec536)
- add font-awesome css (75e1714)
- add git pre-push hook (77c3e39)
- add leaflet.js framework (dd0f7c0)
- add python files used to extract PNGs from YTD files (d23bec2)
- add reverse proxy config (05c8f99)
- add stripJsonOfComments to utils (cce1009)
- moved from php to html (8f95d87)
- update map code with better zooming (9a3cfd8)
- update alerts (65a401d)
- blip icons not working on other servers (e8f5fa6)
- remove street overlay (9d2d740)
- update favicon (b15ccbe)
- remove servers.php (6e71478)
- update dropdown CSS (4e59a15)
- update sidebar to be more mobile friendly (a4e0ed5)
- update to latest development commit (36b12c8)
- add dynamic blip controls (ea37d41)
- add dynamic blip CSS (b0d64aa)
- add overlays (cfdedc9)
- add scrollable alerts (e24c1a5)
- add temporary favicon (d39e318)
- add version to title (2be07f8)
- socket label not using bootstrap 4 (1214e97)
- add server selection (07e9abd)
- add "alerter" (9ae0131)
- added map type for postcode map (f7b7bad)
- modify the update system (0cb72c5)
- add sorted player names (5f2611c)
- socket not closing when reconnecting (5e3eaee)
- logic inside getPlayerInfoHtml (5d8561f)
- add debug setting (c78ca8b)
- change boolean checks to use json_encode (8769f19)
- dont show information when config is set to false (91e6a53)
- update _blips array (7c1a067)
- false values in config error (8c9c5cf)
- update update_checker to use new versioning system (411aea7)
- add classes (50230f3)
- add update_checker (5e81393)
- add parameter parsing (7ca40f2)
- minifying issues (615b0e9)
- minifying issues (962f828)
- playercount miscalculation (59d3c43), closes #5
- blips not working (f43cf75)
- hiding blips also hiding players (7d665cd)
- html syntax errors (a318344)
- live_map v2.1.1 intergration (b04bcb4)
- websocket being broken (db6bd45)
- add favicon (2af6895)
- add minified js files (ab3fc9d)
- remove images/map (66fbfdb)
- remove player in localcache (c840e09)
- update marker names (fc526f2)
- update minified javascript files (c83bb54)
- update to use minified bootstrap (354d176)
- update UI (72756e8)
- various changes to make code more readable (f24ade7)
- various fixes and changes (864e886)
- add ajax request for blip data (6ab06c5)
- add caching for blips and player selection (47be19a)
- add dynamically generated MarkerTypes (9f270b1)
- add Google hack for maps (35021ee)
- add link to IdentityRP (167d0d3)
- add player tracking (186b254)
- add runtime minifier (c020a34)
- add some more markers (b4cc119)
- add toggle showing blips (45ebb37)
- ssl in websocket (28c5347)
- update jail2 icon (a56c13e)
- update script tags in index to show previous changes (143cac5)
- update socket to use player identifiers (fe379a4)
- update socket url to identityrp (85f4298)