** Version 2.0 **

Did you ever feel that you can absorb more information by listening someone's speaking than read by yourself?
Did you ever struggle to copy some unknown words on the browser & paste in another tab to figure out its meaning?
Speak-Out is a small tool that fixs those questions above & helps you to have a smoother 🏄♀️🏄🏼 experience.
Since it is a Chrome Extension. I need you to have a Google Chrome 1st.
Your can install this extension in Chrome store here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/speak-out/pncollhcmilogpggdbibckiolebhnafl?hl=en
If you want to check the code, there is no npm install required. Just download it & go to your Chrome Broswer.
In Chrome Broswer--Window--Extensions--Load Unpacked--locate the download file--Select--Enjoy!🍻
Speech Synthesis https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SpeechSynthesis
ShanBay API https://www.shanbay.com/help/developer/api_v1/
Google Chrome Storage https://developer.chrome.com/apps/storage