The goal of this project is to identify and locate the safe door handle for subsequent robot automatic grabbing and opening.
The project is divided into two parts:
- Door handle recognition: Based on yolov5 method to perform initial recognition of door handle.
- Keyhole and door handle positioning: Based on RGB-D obtained depth information and contour recognition and LSD line detection algorithm to obtain three-dimensional pose of keyhole and door handle.
The project is structured as follows:
-> Keyhole detection result -
-> depth raw data -
-> rgb raw data -
-> has the header files -
-> has the source files -
-> yolov5 weight file -
CMakeLists.txt -> It is the CMake file for the project
1、First of all, we need to configure our pytorch:
2、Then, we need to modify the file path in main.cpp.
- Ubuntu 20.04
- OpenCV 3.4.12
- LibTorch 1.6.0
- Eigen