This is a Python-based app that predicts diseases based on the symptoms inputted by the user. The app uses a K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier algorithm
[Machile Learning (A branch of AI)] to predict the disease based on the symptoms
1) Python 3
3) joblib library (v1.0.1)
4) kivy library (v2.0.0)
5) kivymd library (v1.1.1)
Install Python 3
from the official website.
Install the required libraries
using the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install joblib==1.0.1 kivy==2.0.0 kivymd==1.1.1
the repository.
git clone
Open the terminal
in the cloned directory.
the following command to start the app:
Enter the symptoms
you are suffering from in the search bar.
The app will predict
the disease based on the inputted symptoms.
This app and model was developed by Omanshu