Releases: Open-Earth-Monitor/oemc
Releases · Open-Earth-Monitor/oemc
v1.0.0-alpha.6 Late April 2024
- Tooltip update value when the user change date of the layer and the tooltip is already open
- Upgrade to Next.js 14.1.4
- Upgrade to Node.js 18.17 required by Next 14.1.4
- Dropdown in legend styles and inteeractivity OEMC-231
- In comparison left layer is also in the right side OEMC-252
- Warnings related to image sizes
- Warnings related to ref and dropdowns
- Tooltip was not updating value when date changes OEMC-238
- Better performance for opacity slider OEMC-235
- Geolocation position on page loading OEMC-236
- Loading layer from URL
v1.0.0-alpha.5 April 2024 - Bugs fixing
- Titles in monitor and geostories pages
- Using monitors attribute instead of layers to show monitor details OEMC-225
- Fixed default layer was not shown in the map navigating monitors OEMC-216
- In the homepage, the geostories card is displaying the wrong monitor name OEMC-221
- Compare layer should show the correct title in the legend OEMC-222
- Do not show a timeline or comparison when it is not available in monitors OEMC-223
v1.0.0-alpha.4 April 2024
- Layer with boundaries and labels
- On the geostory page, center the map given bounds from the API
- Showing tooltip with the value on the map
- Moved legend and timeline from the sidebar to make it more visible.
- Changed homepage images
v1.0.0-alpha.3 Late 2023
- Filter by theme in monitors and geostories OEMC-26
- Icons and colors by theme in monitors and geostories on the landing page
- Added partner link to monitors on the dialog OEMC-68
- Removed info button at datasets level OEMC-69
- Wrong link in geostory card on the landing page
- Fixed pagination
- Removed author from monitor dialog
v1.0.0-alpha.2 Preparation
- Use case links, publications and computational notebooks in geostories OEMC-43 OEMC-34
- Geostories enables comparison by default when a left layer exists OEMC-113
- Added metadata link to active geostory on the map page OEMC-41
- Added computational notebook link to active geostory on the map page OEMC-43
- Added related publications to geostories on the map page OEMC-34
- Added related publications to geostories on the landing page OEMC-32
- Added related publications t to geostories and monitors on the map page OEMC-33
- Geostories in the landing page include a link to related publications OEMC-30
- Filtering monitors with layers only in map
- Temporally add monitors with no categories
- Unifying link styles in landing OEMC-144
- Display of monitors and geostories in landing page OEMC-25
- Search monitors and geostories by title OEMC-94
- 404 - error management OEMC-81
- Sorting items in landing page OEMC-24
- Alpha version tag added to site OEMC-127
- Functionality for returning from a geostory to its associated monitor OEMC-121
- Links to social media (twitter, github and linkedin), link to "contact us" and "privacy policy" OEMC-108
- Pagination in monitors and geostories hub OEMC-20
- Show monitors under development OEMC-149
v1.0.0-alpha.1 Bolzano presentation
Main features
- The user is able to navigate in the map page
- User can share visualizations
- User can customize data layer visualizations
- User can see time series (timelapse) where applicable
- User can browse monitors and geostories in the map page
- User can save a visualization ang going back to them (bookmark)
- Added links to relevent sites in the map page