Open Quantum Platform (OpenQP) is a quantum chemical platform featuring cutting-edge capabilities like Mixed-Reference Spin-Flip (MRSF)-TDDFT with an emphasis on open-source ecosystem.
- Autonomous Modules of Quantum Chemistry Theories for Easy Interoperability
- Flexible prototyping through a Python wrapper, PyOQP
- Ground and Excited State Properties by MRSF-TDDFT
- Nonadiabatic Coupling based on TLF Technology using MRSF-TDDFT
- New Exchange-Correlation Functionals of DTCAM series for MRSF-TDDFT
- Ground State Properties by HF and DFT theories
- Geometry Optimization, Transition State Search, and Conical Intersection Search by SciPy and DL-Find
- PyRAI2MD Integration to support Artificial Intelligence Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics
- LibXC Integration to support a variety of exchange-correlation functionals
- basis_set_exchange Integration to support a variety of basis sets
- libecpint Integration to support a variety of Effective Core Potentials
- Support for Molden File Format for visualization, compatible with many graphic software tools
- DFT-D4 Dispersion Correction
- OpenMP and MPI Parallelization and BLAS/LAPACK Optimization for high performance
- Efficient electrostatic embedding QM/MM by ESPF QM/MM
- Spin-Orbit Coupling by Relativistic MRSF-TDDFT
- Ionization Potential/Electron Affinity by EKT-MRSF-TDDFT
- Ready to Use Docker Image of openqp/openqp
- Building from Source Files Using the Instructions Below.
- GCC, G++, Gfortran: Version >= 8
- CMake: Version >= 3.25
- cffi: Perform pip install cffi
- ninja (optional)
- MPI Library: OpenMPI For MPI Support. Consult detailed documentation for other MPI libraries
git clone
cd openqp
ninja -C build install
cd pyoqp
pip install .
cd openqp
ninja -C build install
cd pyoqp
pip install .
cd openqp
make -C build install
cd pyoqp
pip install .
- Use
to replace the default ERI based on Rys Quadrature withlibint
. - Use
to ensure compatibility with third-party software like libdlfind compiled with 32-bit BLAS.
export OPENQP_ROOT=/path/to/openqp # Path to the Root of openqp
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 # The number of cores to be used for OpenMP runs
Special Environmental Settings for MKL Math Library:
openqp --run_tests all # Run all tests from all folders in examples
For OpenMP or sequential run:
openqp any_example_file.inp
For OpenMP and MPI run:
mpirun -np number_of_mpi openqp any_example_file.inp
For more in-depth information, visit:
Easily create input files for OpenQP using our Web-based Input Generator.
If you use OpenQP in your research, please cite the following papers:
- Mironov V, Komarov K, Li J, Gerasimov I, Mazaheri M, Park W, Lashkaripour A, Oh M, Nakata H, Ishimura K, Huix-Rotllant M, Lee S, and Choi CH. "OpenQP: A Quantum Chemical Platform Featuring MRSF-TDDFT with an Emphasis on Open-source Ecosystem" Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2024
- Park W, Komarov K, Lee S, and Choi CH. "Mixed-Reference Spin-Flip Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory: Multireference Advantages with the Practicality of Linear Response Theory." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2023 Sep 28;14(39):8896-908.
- Lee S, Filatov M, Lee S, and Choi CH. "Eliminating Spin-Contamination of Spin-Flip Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Within Linear Response Formalism by the Use of Zeroth-Order Mixed-Reference (MR) Reduced Density Matrix." The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 149, no. 10, 2018.
- Lee S, Kim EE, Nakata H, Lee S, and Choi CH. "Efficient Implementations of Analytic Energy Gradient for Mixed-Reference Spin-Flip Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (MRSF-TDDFT)." The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 150, no. 18, 2019.
- Cheol Ho Choi, Kyungpook National University, South Korea,,
- Seunghoon Lee, Seoul National University, South Korea,
- Vladimir Mironov,
- Konstantin Komarov,
- Jingbai Li, Hoffmann Institute of Advanced Materials, China,
- Igor Gerasimov,
- Hiroya Nakata, Fukui Institute for Fundamental Chemistry, Japan,
- Mohsen Mazaherifar, Kyungpook National University, South Korea,
See the separate LICENSE file.