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Radxa Zero 3w w/ OpenIPC v1.4.0

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@JohnDGodwin JohnDGodwin released this 21 Mar 02:09
· 34 commits to master since this release

V1.4.0 Notes
There is now a handy script in the scripts folder to help you connect your radxa to your home network with the onboard wifi. Run the script with your home network name and password as follows: ./ NetworkName NetworkPassword. Replace NetworkName and NetworkPassword with your home network credentials.

The way video is displayed has changed. Now a stream will begin on plug-in after you transfer your keys regardless of whether you have installed a push button for DVR. If you HAVE installed a push button to record dvr, when the button is pushed the first preview stream will end and a new recording stream will begin. Once finished, push the button a second time and the recording stream will end and a new preview stream will begin again.

This is a prebuilt image for the Radxa Zero 3w to stream OpenIPC video. Simply setup your keys and desired channel, give the system a reboot, and after the stream will begin automatically on plug-in.

How to flash the image to your onboard emmc

On first boot, connect a keyboard and enter a terminal with CTRL+ALT+F1 -- login is root/root (user/password is radxa/radxa)

cd to the scripts folder: cd /home/radxa/scripts

Run ./ to repartition and resize your filesystem. Ignore all the red text and let the script finish.

Run wfb_keygen (located in your path) and transfer the keys. Run sudo cp gs.key /etc to transfer your gs.key to the groundstation's /etc directory. To transfer the drone.key file, connect your camera and radxa to your home network, then run scp drone.key root@x.x.x.x:/etc and replace x.x.x.x with your camera's local ip address. (You will need to set up your network accordingly.)

Stock settings will set the display to 1920x1080@60fps. You will want to change this behavior in the script in the scripts folder found in your home directory. -- sudo nano /home/radxa/scripts/
e.g. for HDZ goggles -- change MODE to 1280x720 and RATE to 100

You can now use the handy script found in the scripts folder in the radxa home directory. Run the script with your home network name and password as follows: ./ NetworkName NetworkPassword. Replace NetworkName and NetworkPassword with your home network credentials.

You can also manually setup the onboard wifi for SSH connectivity. (udev rules and networkmanager are already configured in this image, you only need to execute the nmcli commands)

This image includes DVR functionality; It requires a push button to be installed to the gpio header between physical pins 25 and 27 like so:


To record DVR, push the button once. The preview stream will end and the the recording stream will start; DVR will begin recording. When finished, push the button once to stop the recording and save the file. The recording stream will end and the preview stream will return.

DVR is saved to the Videos folder in your home directory. DVR can be accessed either at /home/radxa/Videos or via a media server. Connect your groundstation to your home network and it can be accessed via a web browser at x.x.x.x:8080 -- replace x.x.x.x with your groundstation's local ip address.

A note about the DVR recording in this image. To ease the strain on the processor, we record to to a ts file rather than mp4 or mkv. As a result, there is no "smear" effect recorded, the uncaptured frames are simply dropped. You may notice jumps in your recording where there was no frame information.