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Radxa Zero 3w w/ OpenIPC v1.9.6

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@JohnDGodwin JohnDGodwin released this 26 Jan 06:44
· 3 commits to master since this release

This is a prebuilt image for the Radxa Zero 3w to stream OpenIPC video.

v1.9.6 Release Notes:

  • This image brings an mDNS update to the AP mode on the radxa groundstation. Long-press the 40MHz_Toggle button, gpio_38, and the onboard wi-fi will enter AP mode and broadcast a wireless network called RadxaGroundstation with password radxaopenipc. Connect to this network and navigate in a browser to radxa-zero3.local to enter the webUI where you can access DVR files, change groundstation settings, and change camera settings.
  • 40MHz_Toggle has been re-established by request.

  • webUI now runs outside of the openipc.service, meaning it can be accessed outside of the stream via ssh.

  • NGINX has been removed and the webUI has been moved to port 80.

  • Switched to using Network Manager to manage AP mode.

  • favicons!

  • Because there is no more need to ssh into the system, the Openipc.service now automatically starts on first boot. If one ever desires to access the cli, boot the system with your wfb-ng wifi cards disconnected and the stream will fail to launch, booting to cli.

Please perform the following steps.

  • Step 1 - Flash the image to either your onboard emmc or a micro SD card. Connect a screen and wireless cards to your radxa.

  • Step 2 - Re-plug in your sd card to your computer and a directory called /config should mount. Inside, navigate to the scripts folder. Set your desired screen resolution and refresh rate in the screen-mode file. Format is WxH@fps -- Common values would be 1920x1080@60, 1920x1080@120. 1280x720@60, 1280x720@120. This does not need to match your camera settings, you want to set it to either the highest framerate or highest resolution the screen is capable of.

    For smooth DVR playback, set the dvr-fps to the fps at which your camera is shooting. e.g. 60, 90, 120

    If you are using ground-based msposd, set your osd file to ground now.

  • Step 3 - Boot the system. If all your settings are correct and you have a wireless card attached to the usb for wfb-ng, then the openipc.service will begin.

note AP mode may not work the very first time you boot the system. Give the system a reboot and things will work.

This image includes DVR functionality; It requires a push button to be installed to the gpio header between physical pin 32 and 3.3v.

DVR is saved to the media folder in your root directory. DVR can be accessed either at /media or via the AP mode webUI.

  • Note: the openipc.service must be running for buttons to function.


This image has support for groundstation-side rendering of MSPOSD over the wfb-ng tunnel. To enable this functionality, go into /config/scripts/osd and change from air to ground. You must enable the MSPOSD forwarding on the camera for this to work.