Welcome to the OpenMeet API repository! Whether you’re a developer looking to build new features or someone interested in running OpenMeet as a platform, this document will help you get up to speed quickly.
OpenMeet is an open-source platform designed to help people organize and connect, whether it's for grassroots movements, community building, or event management. The platform focuses on privacy, decentralization, and empowering users to take control of their data and interactions.
We anticipate two main use cases:
OpenMeet is built with extensibility in mind, making it easy for developers to contribute and customize:
- Feature Development: Add new features through our modular architecture
- Customization: Adapt the platform for different community types and needs
- API Integration: Connect with external tools via our comprehensive API
# Copy example config
cp env-example-relational .env
# Start dependencies
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build
# Load environment variables
export $( grep -v "#" ".env" | xargs)
# Start development server
npm run start:dev
In the env file you should set the TEST_TENANT_ID
to the id of the tenant you want to use for testing, and that tenant must exist in the TENANTS_B64
variable described below.
For testing bluesky locally with oauth logins, we need to run ngrok to expose our local server to the internet.
ngrok http 3000
This will expose your local server to the internet and provide a public url for the oauth callback.
You'll need to update the BACKEND_DOMAIN
in the .env
file to the ngrok url.
Also update CSP in the quasar.config.js
file to allow the ngrok url.
Finally, update the config.json
for the frontend to set frontendDomain to the localhost url for the platform.
# Copy example config
cp env-example-relational .env
Then set the environment variables in the .env file.
Additionally, you may place a file at ./config/tenants.json
to configure tenants, or use the TENANTS_B64
environment variable to provide a base64 encoded json string of the same file contents. Order of precedence is TENANTS_B64
> ./config/tenants.json
"id": "",
"name": "Public"
"id": "1",
"name": "OpenMeet",
"companyDomain": "https://openmeet.net",
"frontendDomain": "https://dev.openmeet.net",
"logoUrl": "https://dev.openmeet.net/openmeet-logo.png",
"mailDefaultEmail": "no-reply@openmeet.net",
"mailDefaultName": "OpenMeet",
"googleClientId": "",
"googleClientSecret": "",
"githubClientId": "",
"githubClientSecret": ""
"id": "2",
"name": "Testing"
npm install
npm run test
This requires a running database and a local api service, and create a file .env
which should should be set similar to the example in env-relational-example.
npm install
# setup database for testing
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build
# start api service
npm run start:dev &
# prepare environment variables your environment, see env-relational-example
npm run test:e2e
All contributions should include appropriate test coverage.
Deploy and manage your own OpenMeet instance.
API is deployed via kubernetes deployment using kustomize from repo openmeet-infrastructure.
API is deployed behind an ALB and ingress.
The admin user is created with the following environment variables at database seeding.