AI based ticket classification. This repository is used for storing code related to a gamification challenge for innovation where a team of people will try to leverage a number of opensource components to build a intelligent support ticket classifier and ticket router. The intention of the challenge is to build a minimal viable product which can be used as the foundation layer for more advanged implementation of such a solution.
The main driver behind the creation of this challenge is to be able to enable companies to build in an onpremise custom solution based upon common components. A number of online SaaS like solutions exists in the market and might be well suited for the majority of customers. In some casessecurity, legal and privacy requirments prevent the use of cloud based solution and require a fully private and isolated system.
the below list outlines a number of the prime components used during the research as well as in the realization phase of the minimal viable product.
- spacy : Industrial-Strength Natural Language Processing
The documentation section is used to (A) provide a true documentation of the openICTA project and (B) serve as a research log during the creation project. In addition a private (non-open) research log will be maintained internally within the team for conducting real-life experimentation on connecting openICTA to existing ticket systems. The non-open research log might in the future be shared in the form of additional documentation and connectors to ticket systems, this however is not a guarantee or hard promise.
The openICTA team consists primarily of people currently working within Capgemini and participatin in a innovation gamification challenge. The employment with Capgemini is a common bond however the work on openICTA is driven primarily as a open and private project with the ambition of building an open solution and experiment with new technology. The openICTA projetc is NOT an official Capgemini project and is only loosly sponsored by Capgemini in the form of providing coffee and meeting rooms to the team.