Oracle Linux kickstart installation scripting
Steps to install a DHCP / PXE netboot / kickstart installation server perform the following steps on you local machine:
- Install Ansible on your local machine
- Clone this project locally
- After cloning, check and/or change the variables in the file: inventory/group_vars/pxeserver
- Change the IP address mentioned in the inventory/hosts file
You can then run the Ansible runbook as follows:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup-pxeboot-server.yml
After this you should have a fully working DHCP/PXE/Kickstart installation environment for installing Oracle Linux 6.9 and 7.4 servers.
Changes to be done on the intended target:
- Do not forget to mount the installation DVD ISO (file) for Oracle linux 6.9 / 7.4 under the /cdrom mountpoint before attempting to provision Oracle Linux servers.