Rails app connected to Blazegraph for managing local controlled vocabularies for Oregon Digital. Currently powering http://OpaqueNamespace.org
Requires: Ruby 2.5, Java 8 for Blazegraph
git clone https://github.com/OregonDigital/ControlledVocabularyManager.git
cd ControlledVocabularyManager
bundle install
bundle exec rake triplestore_adapter:blazegraph:reset
bundle exec rake db:create && bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake git_dev:create_dev_repo
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start
Start the servers:
bundle exec rails server
You can browse the app via http://localhost:3000
, and check on the blazegraph
server at http://localhost:9999/blazegraph
In order to do anything, you'll need to create a user with admin privileges.
With the application loaded, click the 'Login' link in the top-right. Then click 'Sign up' and fill out the form.
Once the user is created, open a new terminal window and run:
bundle exec rails console
me = User.first
# You should see a User object returned with the name and email you created
me.role = 'admin reviewer editor'
Now refresh the application in the browser. You should see an Admin Dashboard link in the top-right 'profile' menu to manage users, a Review link in the top navigation, and on the Vocabularies page you should see a button to create a new one.