A Python package for downloading and reading hydrological datasets
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation: https://OuyangWenyu.github.io/hydrodataset
It is quite easy to install hydrodataset. We provide a pip package to install:
pip install hydrodataset
I highly recommend you to install this package in a virtual environment, so that it won't have negative impact on other packages in your base environment.
for example:
# xxx is your env's name, such as hydrodataset
conda create -n xxx python=3.10
# activate the env
conda activate xxx
# install hydrodataset
conda install pip
pip install hydrodataset
There are many datasets similar to CAMELS(-US), including CAMELS-AUS (Australia), CAMELS-BR (Brazil), CAMELS-CH (Switzerland), CAMELS-CL (Chile), CAMELS-DE (Germany), CAMELS-DK (Denmark), CAMELS-GB (Great Britain), CAMELS-SE (Sweden), LamaH-CE, HYSETS. Recently, a new dataset named Caravan is released, which is a global dataset.
Now we only support auto-downloading for CAMELS-US (later for others), but I highly recommend you download them manually, as the downloading is not stable sometimes because of unstable web connections to the servers of these datasets in different places in the world.
the download links:
- CAMELS-AUS (Australia)
- CAMELS-BR (Brazil)
- CAMELS-CH (Switzerland)
- CAMELS-CL (Chile)
- CAMELS-DE (Germany)
- CAMELS-DK (Denmark)
- CAMELS-GB (Great Britain)
- CAMELS-SE (Sweden)
- CAMELS-US (United States)
- LamaH-CE (Central Europe)
- HYSETS (North America)
- Caravan (Global)
put these downloaded files in the directory organized as follows:
├─ camels_aus/
│ ├─ 01_id_name_metadata.zip
│ ├─ 02_location_boundary_area.zip
│ ├─ 03_streamflow.zip
│ ├─ 04_attributes.zip
│ ├─ 05_hydrometeorology.zip
├─ camels_br/
│ ├─ 01_CAMELS_BR_attributes.zip
│ ├─ 02_CAMELS_BR_streamflow_m3s.zip
│ ├─ 03_CAMELS_BR_streamflow_mm_selected_catchments.zip
│ ├─ 04_CAMELS_BR_streamflow_simulated.zip
│ ├─ 05_CAMELS_BR_precipitation_chirps.zip
│ ├─ 06_CAMELS_BR_precipitation_mswep.zip
│ ├─ 07_CAMELS_BR_precipitation_cpc.zip
│ ├─ 08_CAMELS_BR_evapotransp_gleam.zip
│ ├─ 09_CAMELS_BR_evapotransp_mgb.zip
│ ├─ 10_CAMELS_BR_potential_evapotransp_gleam.zip
│ ├─ 11_CAMELS_BR_temperature_min_cpc.zip
│ ├─ 12_CAMELS_BR_temperature_mean_cpc.zip
│ ├─ 13_CAMELS_BR_temperature_max_cpc.zip
│ ├─ 14_CAMELS_BR_catchment_boundaries.zip
│ ├─ 15_CAMELS_BR_gauges_location_shapefile.zip
├─ camels_ch/
│ ├─ camels_ch.zip
├─ camels_cl/
│ ├─ 10_CAMELScl_tmean_cr2met.zip
│ ├─ 11_CAMELScl_pet_8d_modis.zip
│ ├─ 12_CAMELScl_pet_hargreaves.zip
│ ├─ 13_CAMELScl_swe.zip
│ ├─ 14_CAMELScl_catch_hierarchy.zip
│ ├─ 1_CAMELScl_attributes.zip
│ ├─ 2_CAMELScl_streamflow_m3s.zip
│ ├─ 3_CAMELScl_streamflow_mm.zip
│ ├─ 4_CAMELScl_precip_cr2met.zip
│ ├─ 5_CAMELScl_precip_chirps.zip
│ ├─ 6_CAMELScl_precip_mswep.zip
│ ├─ 7_CAMELScl_precip_tmpa.zip
│ ├─ 8_CAMELScl_tmin_cr2met.zip
│ ├─ 9_CAMELScl_tmax_cr2met.zip
│ ├─ CAMELScl_catchment_boundaries.zip
├─ camels_de/
│ ├─ camels_de.zip
├─ camels_dk/
│ ├─ Attributes
│ ├─ Dynamics
│ ├─ Shapefile
├─ camels_gb/
│ ├─ 8344e4f3-d2ea-44f5-8afa-86d2987543a9.zip
├─ camels_se/
│ ├─ catchment properties.zip
│ ├─ catchment time series.zip
│ ├─ catchment_GIS_shapefiles.zip
├─ camels_us/
│ ├─ basin_set_full_res.zip
│ ├─ basin_timeseries_v1p2_metForcing_obsFlow.zip
│ ├─ basin_timeseries_v1p2_modelOutput_daymet.zip
│ ├─ basin_timeseries_v1p2_modelOutput_maurer.zip
│ ├─ basin_timeseries_v1p2_modelOutput_nldas.zip
│ ├─ camels_attributes_v2.0.xlsx
│ ├─ camels_clim.txt
│ ├─ camels_geol.txt
│ ├─ camels_hydro.txt
│ ├─ camels_name.txt
│ ├─ camels_soil.txt
│ ├─ camels_topo.txt
│ ├─ camels_vege.txt
├─ 2_LamaH-CE_daily
├─ HYSETS_2020_QC_stations.nc
├─ HYSETS_watershed_boundaries.zip
├─ HYSETS_watershed_properties.txt
├─ Caravan.zip
├─ Caravan_extension_CH.zip
First, run the following Python code:
import hydrodataset
then in your home directory, you will find the directory for hydrodataset:
- Windows: C:\Users\xxx\hydro_setting.yml (xxx is your username))
- Ubuntu: /home/xxx/hydro_setting.yml
The hydro_setting.yml file is a config file including some specific path for your datasets and some credentials for your database, such as minio and postgres.
NOTE: For this repository, we only need the "datasets-origin" of "local_data_path", so just fill in the path for "datasets-origin" in the "local_data_path" section, and leave other fields empty.
server_url: ''
client_endpoint: ''
access_key: ''
secret: ''
root: ''
datasets-origin: 'D:\data\waterism\datasets-origin' # set your path here
datasets-interim: ''
basins-origin: ''
basins-interim: ''
server_url: ''
port: 0
username: ''
password: ''
database: ''
Then, you can use functions in hydrodataset, examples could be seen here: https://github.com/OuyangWenyu/hydrodataset/blob/main/examples/scripts.py
NOTE: Please don't modify the interface of the functions in hydrodataset, as it may cause some errors, unless one can entirely refactor the code.
These functions are about reading attributes/forcing/streamflow data.
When you first run the code, you should set the parameter "download" to True:
import os
from hydrodataset.camels import Camels
camels = Camels(data_path=os.path.join("camels", "camels_us"), download=True, region="US")
It will unzip all downloaded files, and take some minutes, please be patient.
Except for the first run, you should set "download" to False:
import os
from hydrodataset.camels import Camels
# default is False
camels = Camels(data_path=os.path.join("camels", "camels_us"), region="US")
You can change your data_path to anywhere you put in the the root directory of hydrodataset.
HydroDataset is designed to help (1) download, (2) read, (3)format and (4) visualize some datasets through a core language (Python) for watershed hydrological modeling.
Note: But now this repository is still developing and only supports quite simple functions such as downloading and reading data for watersheds.
Now the dataset zoo list includes:
Number | Dataset | Description |
1 | CAMELS | CAMELS series datasets including CAMELS-AUS/BR/CH/CL/DE/DK/GB/SE/US |
2 | LamaH | LamaH-CE dataset for Central Europe |
3 | HYSETS | HYSETS dataset for North America |
4 | Caravan | Caravan dataset for global |
For CAMELS-CH/DE/DK/SE, we didn't finish reading functions yet, but we will finish them soon.
We highly recommend you to use xarray to read the data, as it is a powerful tool for handling multi-dimensional data. Then, you can see the units of all variables in the xarray dataset. For US, we provide full support for reading attributes, forcing, and streamflow data with such a cache-reading support, so that you can read them quickly after the first time you read them.
For others, we only provide support for reading without cache-reading support, so it may take some time to read them. We will finish cache-reading support for them soon.
For units, we use pint, and pint-xarray to handle them.
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the giswqs/pypackage project template.
It was inspired by HydroData and used some tools made by cheginit.