A full c++ based ros2 package to merge several laserscan / lidars topics by creating a new virtual laserscan topic. Each source laserscan could be configure via the parameter to determine the heading of each source laserscan and the relative position of each source laserscan to the virtual laserscan.
- ROS2 (Tested on Humble)
- Your laserscans driver (Tested using RPLIDAR S1 and RPLIDAR S1)
- Pointcloud to Laserscan
- Clone the repo to your ros2 workspace
git clone https://github.com/mich1342/ros2_laser_scan_merger.git
Edit the topic name in the launch file if needed
Build and Source
colcon build && source install/setup.bash
- Launch the package
- To launch without visualizer
ros2 launch ros2_laser_scan_merger merge_2_scan.launch.py
- To launch with visualizer (RVIZ2)
ros2 launch ros2_laser_scan_merger visualize_merge_2_scan.launch.py
Both of the launch file already integrated with the pointclound_to_laserscan package
- Open RQT to set the parameter
All parameters are being set in the params.yaml
file inside the config
All parameters similar for the first and second lidar data. The {x}
marks means the index pattern for the lidar data. Example: show{x}
means show1
and show2
for 2 lidar configuration.
Parameter Name | Default Value | Description |
scanTopic{x} | /lidar_1/scan /lidar_2/scan |
laser scan or lidar topic |
show{x} | true | set as true to include the first lidar data or false to hide the specific lidar data |
flip{x} | false | set as true for upside down lidar installation |
laser{x}AngleMax | 180 | maximum angle in degree of the lidar data that are being used for the final merged result, usefull to hide some part of the lidars data. will highly depends on each lidar specification |
laser{x}AngleMin | -180 | minimum angle in degree of the lidar data that are being used for the final merged result, usefull to hide some part of the lidars data. will highly depends on each lidar specification |
inverse{x} | false | set as true to inverse the hidden lidar data based on the laser{x}AngleMax and laser{x}AngleMin value |
laser{x}Alpha | 0 | angular offset of the lidar data |
laser{x}XOff | -0.3 | linar offset of the lidar data in x axis |
laser{x}YOff | -0.475 | linar offset of the lidar data in y axis |
laser{x}ZOff | 0.176 | linar offset of the lidar data in z axis |
laser{x}B | 0 | set color to the resulted pointclound2 data (0-255) |
laser{x}G | 0 | set color to the resulted pointclound2 data (0-255) |
laser{x}R | 255 | set color to the resulted pointclound2 data (0-255) |
pointCloudTopic | cloud_in | pointcloud2 published topic (adjusted to pointcloud_to_laserscan package) |
pointCloutFrameId | laser | frame id of the pointcloud2 published data |