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Algorithms Conda
Frank Torres edited this page Jun 25, 2018
2 revisions
Below is the output of "conda list" from the TSN conda environment used for code in this repository that executes Temporal Segment Netowrks code. Other environments compatible with this one could also be used.
_nb_ext_conf . 0.3.0 py27_0
anaconda-client 1.6.2 py27_0
atlas 3.8.4 0
backports 1.0 py27_0
backports_abc 0.5 py27_0
bleach 1.5.0 py27_0
boost 1.61.0 py27_0
cairo 1.14.8 0
clyent 1.2.2 py27_0
configparser 3.5.0 py27_0
cycler 0.10.0 py27_0
dbus 1.10.10 0
decorator 4.0.11 py27_0
entrypoints 0.2.2 py27_1
enum34 1.1.6 py27_0
expat 2.1.0 0
fontconfig 2.12.1 3
freetype 2.5.5 2
functools32 py27_0
get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py27_0
gflags 2.1.2 0
glib 2.50.2 1
glog 0.3.4 0
gst-plugins-base 1.8.0 0
gstreamer 1.8.0 0
hdf5 1.8.17 1
html5lib 0.999 py27_0
icu 54.1 0
ipykernel 4.5.2 py27_0
ipython 5.3.0 py27_0
ipython_genutils 0.1.0 py27_0
ipywidgets 5.2.2 py27_1
jbig 2.1 0
jinja2 2.9.5 py27_0
jpeg 9b 0
jsonschema 2.5.1 py27_0
jupyter_client 5.0.0 py27_0
jupyter_core 4.3.0 py27_0
leveldb 1.19 0
libffi 3.2.1 1
libgcc 5.2.0 0
libgfortran 3.0.0 1
libiconv 1.14 0
libpng 1.6.27 0
libprotobuf 3.0.0 0
libsodium 1.0.10 0
libtiff 4.0.6 3
libxcb 1.12 1
libxml2 2.9.4 0
lmdb 0.92 <pip>
lmdb 0.9.18 0
markupsafe 0.23 py27_2
matplotlib 2.0.0 np112py27_0
mistune 0.7.3 py27_0
mkl 2017.0.1 0
nb_anacondacloud 1.2.0 py27_0
nb_conda 2.0.0 py27_0
nb_conda_kernels 2.0.0 py27_0
nbconvert 5.1.1 py27_0
nbformat 4.3.0 py27_0
nbpresent 3.0.2 py27_0
networkx 1.11 py27_0
notebook 4.3.1 py27_0
numpy 1.12.0 py27_0
olefile 0.44 py27_0
openssl 1.0.2k 0
pandocfilters 1.4.1 py27_0
path.py 10.1 py27_0
pathlib2 2.2.0 py27_0
pcre 8.39 1
pexpect 4.2.1 py27_0
pickleshare 0.7.4 py27_0
pillow 4.0.0 py27_1
pip 9.0.1 py27_1
pixman 0.34.0 0
prompt_toolkit 1.0.9 py27_0
protobuf 3.0.0 py27_1
ptyprocess 0.5.1 py27_0
pycairo 1.10.0 py27_0
pygments 2.2.0 py27_0
pyparsing 2.1.4 py27_0
pyqt 5.6.0 py27_2
python 2.7.13 0
python-dateutil 2.6.0 py27_0
pytz 2016.10 py27_0
pyyaml 3.12 py27_0
pyzmq 16.0.2 py27_0
qt 5.6.2 3
readline 6.2 2
requests 2.13.0 py27_0
scandir 1.5 py27_0
scikit-image 0.12.3 np112py27_1
scikit-learn 0.18.1 np112py27_1
scipy 0.18.1 np112py27_1
setuptools 27.2.0 py27_0
simplegeneric 0.8.1 py27_1
singledispatch py27_0
sip 4.18 py27_0
six 1.10.0 py27_0
snappy 1.1.3 0
sqlite 3.13.0 0
ssl_match_hostname py27_1
subprocess32 3.2.7 py27_0
terminado 0.6 py27_0
testpath 0.3 py27_0
tk 8.5.18 0
tornado 4.4.2 py27_0
traitlets 4.3.2 py27_0
Wand 0.3.7 <pip>
wcwidth 0.1.7 py27_0
wheel 0.29.0 py27_0
widgetsnbextension 1.2.6 py27_0
xz 5.2.2 1
yaml 0.1.6 0
zeromq 4.1.5 0
zlib 1.2.8 3