Releases: PJanisio/ewelinkApiPhp
ewelinkApiPhp 2.0.2
- fix for WebSocketClass.php name
- adjusted index.php
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.2
ewelinkApiPhp 2.0.0
Important notice: Version 2.0.0 is not backward compatible because of replaced two methods for websocket conenction.
- removed forceGetDataMethod and forceUpdateDevice as they have been successfully replaced by getDataWebsocket and setDataWebsocket
- added forceWakeUp method that is using websocket connection to refresh some of parameters that http can not (energy, temperature etc).
- updated index.php to have a live example of new methods
- updated README and wiki pages
Full Changelog: v1.34.31...v2.0.0
ewelinkApiPhp 1.34.31
Main changes from v1.29.28
- added OS recognition to be able to send heartbeat for windows
- removed unneccesary debug lines
- removed duplicate initialization of Utils class
- added new argument to setDeviceStatus - $returnText which returns exaplained state of device as string when 0 is used it will return boolean status
- updated index.php and cleaned code
- added new method for websocket - setDataWebsocket, apart from forceGetData it will not fetch and update via websocket, making it faster
Full Changelog: v1.29.28...v1.34.31
ewelinkApiPhp 1.29.28
Main changes from v1.28.28
- introduced new function to connect to Websocket and maintain connection for manipulations
- added example code repository with tool for Device Monitoring
- ensuring compatibility with previous version
Full Changelog: v1.28.28...v1.29.28
ewelinkApiPhp 1.28.28
Main changes from v1.26.23
- introduce of new helper function to use deviceId or deviceName from ewelink app as an argument
- updated all methods to utilize this function
- code clean-up
- still ensuring compatibility with previous version
- updated README and (not related with code) --> updated wiki pages
Full Changelog: v1.26.23...v1.28.28
ewelinkApiPhp 1.26.23
Main changes from v1.19.20
- modyfied getDeviceParamLive to be able to fetch several parameters at once
- added debugging to debug.log file
- added websocket connection to get and update parameters
- added additional errors and warning handling
- code cleanup and improved maintanability
- compatibility ensured with previous release
Full Changelog: v1.19.20...v1.26.23
ewelinkApiPhp 1.19.20
First released version.
Proposals for enhancements: use Discussions or create a PR.
Bugs and fixes: use Issues.
Enjoy! ;-)
Full Changelog: v1.16.15...v1.19.20
ewelinkApiPhp 1.16.15 (pre-release 4)
This is pre-release version which needs to be checked for code maintanability and consistency.
That means, stable release could be not compatible with this version.
Please use issues or discussion for feedback.
Full Changelog: v1.15.14...v1.16.15
ewelinkApiPhp 1.15.14 (pre-release 3)
This is pre-release version which needs to be checked for code maintanability and consistency.
That means, stable release could be not compatible with this version.
Please use issues or discussion for feedback.
Full Changelog: v0.10.7...v1.15.14
ewelinkApiPhp 0.10.7 (pre-release 2)
This is pre-release version which needs to be checked for code maintanability and consistency.
That means, final major version release 1.X.X - could be not compatible with 0.9.5 version.
Please use issues or discussion for feedback.
Full Changelog: v0.9.5...v0.10.7