This is the official repository for the Findings of EACL 2024 paper "Local and Global Contexts for Conversation".
- python==3.6.8
- torch==1.4.0
- transformers==3.0.2
We use GPT2 vocabulary in our experiments. To prepare vocabulary files, please:
- download
from here, rename it tovocab.json
, and move it to the folder./gpt2_vocab/
- download
from here, rename it tomerges.txt
, and move it to the folder./gpt2_vocab/
We have trained LGCM on three public available dalogue datasets:
After downloading raw data, please run scripts in ./prepare_data/
to preprocess data.
- PersonaChat:
bash scripts/
- DailyDialog:
bash scripts/
- MultiWOZ:
bash scripts/
- PersonaChat:
bash scripts/
- DailyDialog:
bash scripts/
- MultiWOZ:
bash scripts/