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Git Repo Organisation

iaktern edited this page Mar 11, 2023 · 2 revisions

There are some important Git repositories for PROCEED:

  • the main PROCEED Mono-Repository: contains the source of every related software or component developed within the PROCEED System. It is organized as a Mono-Repo (A Monorepo has a lot of advantages like easier testing, consistent auxiliary files (linting,...), etc.)
  • the Environment Repository: private repository, contains some sensitive configurations for the deployment pipeline and environments
  • the User Documentation: contains the public documentation site

Here you see the structure for the of the PROCEED Mono-Repository: proceed-repo

Under src you find the following software/modules:


  • contains the Management System for PROCEED, which is Server System with a Backend and a Frontend
  • it also contains Code for compiling the Management System as a Desktop application with Electron


  • All components for the PROCEED DPE (Distributed Process Engine), which has one Universal Part and multiple Native Parts
    • the Universal Part is written with pure JavaScript and contains most of the code
    • the Native Part is specific to the OS/Architecture where the DPE should run and imports the Universal Part


  • contains example capabilities Repositories for different PROCEED Use Cases
  • the included directories have the naming structure: platform-uc-component
    • uc: "use case", is optional; should only be used if the code can probably not be used for other use cases
    • e.g. raspberry3-button
    • e.g. raspberry3-drone-ardupilot


  • self-written libraries that are used in multiple components

Old (not active anymore): One build job of the CI was to create the JSDoc documentation of the source code. The result was directly deployed to /static/api/ folder inside the documentation repository (with a Deploy Key for git clone and push).

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