Stable Release v1.11.1
This point release fixes a number of small issues discovered after the v1.11.0 release.
- fix thermal calibration if a sensor does not have temperature sensor #15671
- CubeOrange and CubeYellow IMU heating fix #15736
- boards: cubeorange and cubeyellow disable serial console (used for ADSB on new carrier boards) #15777
- fix BOARD_DSHOT_MOTOR_ASSIGNMENT on new CubePilot and CUAV boards #15802
- mc_pos_control: fix z velocity derivative sign #15836
- Increase uavcan main stack size #15864
- kakutef7: fix output ordering #15867
- commander: PreFlightCheck param_find all parameters immediately #15875
- boards: mRo Control Zero F7 fix RC and improve sensors power on timing #15215
- battery: fix duplicate uORB publish #15880