Releases: PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR
Releases · PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR
What's Changed
- update docs by @cuicheng01 in #14031
- update paddle2onnx doc by @inisis in #14038
- fix gpu memory growth by @zhangyubo0722 in #14037
- updata en docs by @dyning in #14036
- fix nan in PP-OCRv4 by @wangna11BD in #14043
- update a live promotion by @Zhiiixin in #14042
- reset latex ocr by @zhangyubo0722 in #14046
- Update pyproject.toml for add dependency by @Liyulingyue in #14058
- Fix
optimize flag by @Hirozy in #14059 - fix isnan_v2 is not supported in paddle2onnx by @GreatV in #14060
- ci: Fixed docs multi version error by @SWHL in #14048
- fix hyperlinks by @AmberC0209 in #14073
- fix nan in ppocrv4 for benchmark by @wangna11BD in #14072
- ci: Support seperate update of branch docs by @SWHL in #14079
- ci: fixed main doc ci by @SWHL in #14084
- Allow
function to accept array of ONNX Execution Providers by @Salmondx in #14078 - docs: update quickstart by @SWHL in #14108
- docs: add command line usage documentation of quickstart page by @SWHL in #14110
- docs: add installation documentation of paddle by @SWHL in #14117
- docs: fixed typo by @SWHL in #14118
- image without any text will show a warning by @GreatV in #14132
- doc: remove duplicate paragraphs by @GreatV in #14133
- docs: update paddle2onnx documentations by @GreatV in #14144
- [third-party] Fix the issue of inference errors with KIE mode in ONNX format by @Alex37882388 in #14138
- update tests PR CI github action by @GreatV in #14159
- 移除doc目录下文档,保留fonts和doc_i18n两个目录 by @SWHL in #14156
- 移除ppstructure目录下旧有文档 by @SWHL in #14161
- docs: fixed error image link (#14164) by @SWHL in #14165
- 更新i18n的首页内容到新站点 by @SWHL in #14166
- docs: fix i18n languange code error by @SWHL in #14167
- docs: fix syntax error by @SWHL in #14168
- docs: update i18n docs by @GreatV in #14169
- upgrade to numpy 2.0 and remove imgaug by @GreatV in #13937
- docs: format multi languange docs home page by @SWHL in #14170
- docs: add the missing image by @GreatV in #14180
- Create close_inactive_issues.yaml by @GreatV in #14183
- update hpi config by @zhangyubo0722 in #14076
- Update close_inactive_issues.yaml by @GreatV in #14189
- Update close_inactive_issues.yaml by @GreatV in #14190
- remove lock inactive issues by @GreatV in #14192
- fix benchmark bug by @changdazhou in #14194
- pre-commit autoupdate && pre-commit run --all-files by @cclauss in #14201
- Remove Python 2 compatibility dependency six by @cclauss in #14202
- update quick_start by @AmberC0209 in #14200
- rename train result by @zhangyubo0722 in #14217
- fix benchmark bug by @changdazhou in #14235
- fix benchmark det_r50_vd_pse_v2_0 train error by @GreatV in #14239
- update infer/ to support json format model by @GreatV in #14233
- Support inference for GCU by @EnflameGCU in #14142
- update docs by @AmberC0209 in #14230
- fix: Title text partially missing issue in
by @Coobiw in #14216 - change_support list by @liuhongen1234567 in #14293
- support latexocr static train by @liuhongen1234567 in #14297
- docs: Fix chinese image being displayed on the english readme page by @khanfarhan10 in #14299
- docs: update quick_start and recognition doc by @GreatV in #14302
- add d2s_train_image_shape for static train by @liuhongen1234567 in #14312
- update install command by @AmberC0209 in #14314
- fix: unable to export images without text to docx format by @GreatV in #14306
- paddle.shape return int64 tensor by @wanghuancoder in #14318
- docs: add warning of Apolications part by @SWHL in #14338
- Update by @GreatV in #14366
- Update 印章弯曲文字识别.md by @BUJIQI in #14368
- update_det_static by @Sunting78 in #14372
- fix:calcute the left_center_pt and right_center_pt from min_area_quad by @fangfangzk in #14363
- add unimernet model by @liuhongen1234567 in #14357
- fix shape64 by @wanghuancoder in #14376
- add slanext models by @liu-jiaxuan in #14374
- fix: replace
when manually set by @JesuisTong in #14371 - repair type bug for ppocrv3 by @liuhongen1234567 in #14397
- [WIP]support export with pir and no pir by @zhangyubo0722 in #14379
- Add pp formulanet by @liuhongen1234567 in #14429
- repair formula bug when export by @liuhongen1234567 in #14442
- modify export with pir by @zhangyubo0722 in #14441
- update SLANet inference weights for adapt to paddle3.0b2 by @cuicheng01 in #14467
- fix_server_v4_det_output by @Sunting78 in #14472
- fix label_dict save bug by @zhangyubo0722 in #14273
- add ppocrv4_doc dict by @liuhongen1234567 in #14499
- fix latex_ocr inference by @vivienfanghuagood in #14498
- fix SLANeXt export bug by @liu-jiaxuan in #14512
- add version control for export and modify hpi config by @zhangyubo0722 in #14513
- fix slanext export bug by @liu-jiaxuan in #14519
- repair bug in latexocr cpu infer and typo in bleu score by @liuhongen1234567 in #14552
- Fix language error and spelling mistakes in the documentation by @timminator in #14571
- Keep GitHub Actions up to date with GitHub's Dependabot by @cclauss in #14569
- repair train bug in multi gpu by @liuhongen1234567 in #14576
- build(deps): bump the github-actions group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #14573
- remove max inplace grad by @phlrain in #14596
- build(deps): bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.12.3 to 1.12.4 in the github-actions group by @dependabot in #14603
- CPP: emplace_back() replaces many push_back() improve performance by @nonwill in #14610
- Add Thai character dictionary for OCR recognition by @Thanajade in #14620
- CPP: Make functions mostly noexcept to improve runtime performance by @nonwill in #14613
- CPP: tidied file header includes by @nonwill in #14621
What's Changed
- fix: table recognition content is not escaped properly by @GreatV in #13277
- fix bug when layout_predictor is None by @GreatV in #13279
- add url in pyproject, and update version number by @GreatV in #13274
- unifying data types in the SLAHead by @GreatV in #13276
- add PaddleX info to README by @TingquanGao in #13308
- Update expired link in by @ZeddYu in #13253
- optimize func: get_infer_gpuid by @GreatV in #13275
- fix slice op parameters not being passed correctly by @GreatV in #13319
- Solve ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tools.infer' by @myhloli in #13348
- Add hardware docs by @nepeplwu in #13329
- add paddlex link by @TingquanGao in #13316
- Fix the dictionary bug in tablerec inference by @Topdu in #13362
- add bn_dict.txt by @taeefnajib in #13373
- add missing docstring in using copilot by @jzhang533 in #13344
- line 445 by @ManikSinghSarmaal in #13389
- fix layout recovery import error by @GreatV in #13434
- Latexocr paddle by @liuhongen1234567 in #13401
- [doc]add amp train notes for detection train by @andyjiang1116 in #13481
- remove some of the less common dependencies by @GreatV in #13461
- docs: Add a new document site by @SWHL in #13375
- Update mkdocs.yml by @GreatV in #13487
- chore: Update issue template by @SWHL in #13505
- chore: Update bug report template by @SWHL in #13508
- Fix cpp_infer "--enable_mkldnn=false" not effective by @hiroi-sora in #13539
- Enable Main Branch Support for PaddleX by @zhangyubo0722 in #13523
- docs: Update README by @SWHL in #13543
- docs: Update README_en by @SWHL in #13545
- 修改错别字 by @MonkeyBrothers in #13544
- docs: Remove old applications docs by @SWHL in #13551
- fix: 'numpy' has no attribute 'astype' by @laolitou in #13554
- add latexocr docs and fix some typos by @GreatV in #13532
- chore(Issue_template): Add validation of Environment and MPE code by @SWHL in #13559
- skip text files when running test ci by @GreatV in #13561
- fix bug for paddlepaddle3.0 by @changdazhou in #13568
- docs: Update the pdf file path in the operation demonstration by @Gmgge in #13575
- support benchmark for paddlepaddle3.0 by @changdazhou in #13574
- improve the reading experience of some documents by @GreatV in #13562
- update dive into OCR book link by @GreatV in #13581
- docs: Shorten the image path and remove dupliate images by @SWHL in #13585
- docs: Fix docs errors by @SWHL in #13588
- skip text files when running test ci on push by @GreatV in #13582
- docs: Add android_demo docs by @SWHL in #13601
- fix download bug when use multi gpus by @changdazhou in #13610
- disable automatic checks for new version albumentations by @GreatV in #13583
- 修复LaTeXOCR 在paddleX中的一些问题 by @liuhongen1234567 in #13646
- update docs and remove out-of-date event by @GreatV in #13660
- setuptools 72.2.0 result in that is invalid by @TingquanGao in #13670
- update docs and remove old docs by @GreatV in #13662
- update docs and fix markdown render error by @GreatV in #13678
- chore: Update issue template by @SWHL in #13679
- cache Python dependencies and PaddleOCR files by @GreatV in #13682
- Add files via upload by @lingskr in #13685
- Update ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_distillation.yml by @jiqirenfeile in #13692
- Remove channel links from docs by @zhangyubo0722 in #13674
- Code Style Unification by @zhangyubo0722 in #13697
- docs: Remove doc/datasets directory and fix docs/datasets documents by @SWHL in #13700
- Provides Vietnamese dictionary and corpus by @lingskr in #13698
- Modify the data processing part of LaTeXOCR and replace the absolute path by a relative path by @liuhongen1234567 in #13702
- use setuptools-scm extracts PaddleOCR versions by @GreatV in #13716
- Repair the bug in the inference script for LaTeX OCR by @liuhongen1234567 in #13750
- fixed: mkldnn -> onednn by @achieve-dream1221 in #13757
- remove unused enumerate by @Kayzwer in #13760
- update applications/ by @GreatV in #13763
- Fix setting of make border epoch by @Sunting78 in #13783
- Fix doc link in docs by @Topdu in #13792
- Add support for Hebrew Language and Alphabet by @johnlockejrr in #13797
- Add Syriac script support by @johnlockejrr in #13800
- update KIE docs by @GreatV in #13799
- fix the CI running errors in tests. by @GreatV in #13846
- Fix pir dy2st train by @0x45f in #13853
- fix SRN algorithm infer error by @GreatV in #13851
- update pretrain for benchmark by @changdazhou in #13820
- fix bugs for SLANet infer by @liu-jiaxuan in #13861
- fix version by @TingquanGao in #13895
- set --image_dir to be required by @GreatV in #13896
- support export after save model by @zhangyubo0722 in #13844
- fix hubserving run error by @GreatV in #13918
- fix lateocr bug by @zhangyubo0722 in #13920
- 1.在ppstructure管道中添加latex_ocr公式识别功能;2.添加pdf转markdown文件功能 by @ztyf-lq in #13868
- updata 2.9, adding new models and supporting all-in-one full developm… by @dyning in #13932
- updata 2.9, adding new models and supporting all-in-one full developm… by @dyning in #13933
- adding new models and supporting all-in-one full development tools by @dyning in #13934
- Update with html, not md by @dyning in #13935
- Update for paddlex by @dyning in #13936
- pdf to markdown document by @ztyf-lq in #13942
- Update by @GreatV in #13947
- update a live promotion by @Zhiiixin in #13954
- ci: Support multi version docs by @SWHL in #13957
- docs: Add tip of old documents by @SWHL in #13960
- ci: Fix mike error by @SWHL in #13962
- Update, fixed broken quick start link by @Kozmosa in #13965
- fix broken link by @GreatV in #13970
- [NPU] cherrypick13983 by @Wang...
What's Changed
- [Cherry-pick] #10515 by @ToddBear in #10537
- [BugFix]compat_pillow by @shiyutang in #10596
- [bug fix] fix none res in recovery by @andyjiang1116 in #10603
- Fix seed passing issue of build_dataloader by @RuohengMa in #10614
- [bug fix]rm invalid params by @andyjiang1116 in #10605
- [Cherry-pick] #10441 #10512 by @moehuster in #10593
- 修改数据增强导致的DSR报错 by @xu-peng-7 in #10662
- onnxruntime support gpu by @WenmuZhou in #10668
- Update VQA to use the updated LayoutLM syntax from PaddleNLP by @sijunhe in #9791
- 实现功能:当--savefile为true时,在--output下以当前图片名称后接“.txt”为文件名保存ocr推理结果,解决了issues: by @WilliamQf-AI in #10628
- Cherrypicking GH-10217 and GH-10216 to PaddlePaddle:dygraph by @UserUnknownFactor in #10654
- fix numpy speed by @wanghuancoder in #10773
- Cherrypicking GH-10251 & GH-10181 to PaddleOCR:dygraph by @itasli in #10710
- rec_r45_abinet.yml add max_length and image_size by @xlg-go in #10744
- ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_distill.yml, fix KeyError: 'NRTRLabelDecode' by @xlg-go in #10761
- 根据推理对三通道的图像需求,以及opencv中imread参数说明IMREAD_COLOR(If set, always convert … by @Gmgge in #10777
- Update by @sagarjgb in #10736
- Add new recognition method "ParseQ" by @ToddBear in #10836
- rm fluid for paddle dev by @tink2123 in #10931
- rec_r45_abinet for export model by @xlg-go in #10892
- fix:修复通道数不匹配造成的PPOCRLabel启动失败问题#10748,根据更新日志发现#10655,由于paddleocr中增加了对… by @Gmgge in #10847
- [New] add rec CPPD model by @Topdu in #10990
- fix
is possibly unbound by @SigureMo in #10991 - add svtr large model by @zhangyubo0722 in #10937
- [WIP]support eval pre epoch by @zhangyubo0722 in #11003
- Update by @sagarjgb in #10735
- fix import collection for py310 by @tink2123 in #11012
- update ppocrv4_framework by @tink2123 in #11048
- Update by @sagarjgb in #10731
- add cppd u14m train model and doc by @Topdu in #11052
- Fixed bug with "max_text_length" for VisionLAN by @victor30608 in #11025
- Cherrypicking GH-10923 to PaddleOCR:dygraph by @itasli in #11069
- Update by @sagarjgb in #10732
- Update by @sagarjgb in #10733
- Update by @sagarjgb in #10734
- [Cherry-pick] Cherry-pick from release/2.6 by @shiyutang in #11092
- [TIPC]update tipc scripts by @USTCKAY in #11097
- fix satrn export for paddle2.5 by @tink2123 in #11096
- [BugFix]Fix parseq net by @shiyutang in #11126
- update uygur dict by @hfengzhi in #11125
- Add tipc for "ParseQ" method by @ToddBear in #10843
- fix SAR inference, when batch size>1, norm_img_batch and valid_ratios… by @shiyunalex in #11238
- v4 det cml configs by @sylarwcy in #11258
- 解決recognition的train test分割程式執行後的文檔每行間多出一行空格 by @DingHsun in #11280
- Fix for Ambiguous Boolean Evaluation Error in PaddleOCR with Python 3.11 by @muhammadAgfian96 in #11287
- Dygraph【benchmark】add max_mem_reserved for benchmark by @mmglove in #11284
- Fix bug when running on XPU by @RuohengMa in #11299
- Dygraph by @RuohengMa in #11301
- Dygraph fix max_mem_reserved for benchmark by @mmglove in #11341
- 在check_gpu时增加对当前环境可用设备的检查 by @TracebaK in #11293
- Fixed some bugs that caused PPOCRLabel to crash, added ability to expand checkboxes by @g39088902 in #11236
- fix a bug for by @Ataraxy33 in #11389
- Optimize prediction on long image and deduplicate similar boxes with multiple lables by @marswen in #11366
- doc: add doc for satrn by @wkml in #11397
- Update zeros' comment in by @YesianRohn in #11374
- Fix QPointF IndexError: list index out of range by @firmament2008 in #11393
- update paddlex of readme by @zhangyubo0722 in #11422
- chore: add notes for docker gpu deploy PP-OCRv4 by @sheiy in #11390
- Fix words by @co63oc in #11448
- [Feature]Complete the ppocrv4_act by @ranchongzhi in #11345
- rm QR code in the document by @tink2123 in #11512
- rm QR code by @tink2123 in #11532
- Fix dead links by @MatKollar in #11520
- cherry-pick for lazy import pymupdf and pre-commit by @tink2123 in #11692
- adapter new type promotion rule for Paddle 2.6 by @zxcd in #11698
- setup a workflow for publishing package to pypi by @jzhang533 in #11804
- update link mentioned at #11763 by @jzhang533 in #11764
- fix AttributeError by @GreatV in #11686
- fix: Correct misuse of
by @neteroster in #11820 - Update for a better python pdf demo by @qwedc001 in #11927
- Update by @qwedc001 in #11934
- Enhance the OCR recognition accuracy of PPStructure. by @RussellLuo in #11916
- add u14m results of cppd by @Topdu in #11943
- use tensor.shape bug not paddle.shape(tensor) by @wanghuancoder in #11919
- add pre-commit workflow by @GreatV in #11973
- docs: Update, delete repeated question by @xu8117 in #11972
- Fix the bug where Python scripts fail to execute PDF text recognition… by @guangyunms in #11994
- 【OCR Issue No.9】以可选形式支持Visualdl by @Liyulingyue in #11947
- fix weird version info by @GreatV in #12003
- 【OCR Issue No.9】移除明确不适合放在ppocr依赖中的依赖项 by @Liyulingyue in #11946
- Burmese Language dict and corpus by @1chimaruGin in #12020
- 面版识别添加onnx支持完善 by @heweisheng in #12068
- Update by @dyning in #12086
- fix readme codestyle by @GreatV in #12095
- fix wrong link for 通用OCR in README.txt by @tackhwa in #12100
- move PPOCRLabel to PFCCLab/PPOCRLabel by @GreatV in #12104
- move StyleText to PFCCLab/StyleText by @GreatV in #12121
- openocr compti code by @Topdu in #12033
- table rec code by @invictuszhao in #11999
- Error with pyclipper inhomogeneous expanded array by @zovelsanj in #12108
- 【OCR Issue No.2】修复训练过程中找不到對應模型和训练时计算精度报错 by @mattheliu in
fix broken v2.7.4
This release contains the missed commits from v2.7.0 to v2.7.1.
fixed : #11824
What's Changed
fixed #11808
What's Changed
- add finnish language files by @savikko in #10850
- fix
is possibly unbound by @SigureMo in #10973 - update ppocrv4_framework by @tink2123 in #11047
- Update ONNX conversion by @greyovo in #11030
- [TIPC]update tipc scripts and rm fluid api by @USTCKAY in #11098
- fix a bug for by @Ataraxy33 in #11408
- Modify readme 27 by @zhangyubo0722 in #11424
- fix: layout recovery image:xxx.png,err msg: list index out of range by @santlchogva in #11405
- rm QR code in the document by @tink2123 in #11511
- rm QR code by @tink2123 in #11533
- Update by @jzhang533 in #11636
- fix AttributeError by @GreatV in #11556
- update pre-commit config by @jzhang533 in #11682
- lazy import PyMuPDF by @jzhang533 in #11685
- setup a workflow for publishing package to pypi, and bump version to … by @jzhang533 in #11800
New Contributors
- @savikko made their first contribution in #10850
- @greyovo made their first contribution in #11030
- @santlchogva made their first contribution in #11405
- @jzhang533 made their first contribution in #11636
Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v2.7.2
New Projects
- Add Parseq recognition model.(#10836)
- Add text recognition function to return single character coordinates.(#10515)
New Features
- Add savefile option to save OCR output results.(#10628)
- Add more data preprocessing options to
- A single damaged image does not affect data set inference. (#10216)
- Compatible with fitz version. (#10181)
- Compatible with Pillow10.0 upgrade. (#10405)
- Add Finnish dictionary file. (#10850)
- Onnxruntime supports GPU. (#10668)
- TIPC supports XPU and NPU. (#10658, #10460)
- Add inference on mlu devices. (#10249)
- Fixed cannot find the library error when packaged into exe on windows. (#10502)
- Fixed the bug of recognize page is affected by the maximum number of PDF files when recognize multiple PDF files. (#10290)
- Fixed the problem of PPOCRLabel startup failure caused by mismatch in channel number. (#10847)
- Fix memory leak problem of cpp inference. (#10441)
- Modify DSR error caused by data enhancement. (#10662)
- Fix training seed problem. (#10614)
- Fix table_master tipc error. (#10514)
- Fixed the problem of error reporting when uses wandb. (#10251)
- Fix memory leak in (#10688)
- Fixed the issue where dis and iou cannot be calculated correctly due to the index error of structure_boxes in the PaddleStructure::rebuild_table function. (#10810)
- Compatible with paddle 2.5 fluid exit. (#10391)
- Fix the performance problem of Tensor.numpy under stride. (#10773)
- Adapt the size of ABINet during export to the size of ABINetRecResizeImg. (#10892)
- ABINet training error. (#10744)
- Fix KeyError in ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_distill.yml. (#10761)
Documentations Fix
- Fix,,,, document issues. (#10717)
- Update documentation issues with (#10749)
- Add pyyaml library in requirements.txt. (#10653)
New Projects
New Features
- 增加savefile选项,保存ocr输出结果。(#10628)
- 增加 更多数据预处理选项。(#10217)
- 单张破损图片不影响整体数据集推理。(#10216)
- 兼容fitz版本。(#10181)
- 兼容Pillow10.0升级。(#10405)
- 增加芬兰语字典文件。(#10850)
- Onnxruntime 支持GPU。(#10668)
- TIPC支持XPU、NPU。(#10658,#10460)
- 增加在mlu设备上的推理。(#10249)
- 修复windows打包成exe找不到库的问题。(#10502)
- 修复多次识别pdf,受第一次页面最大数量影响的bug。(#10290)
- 修复通道数不匹配造成的PPOCRLabel启动失败问题。(#10847)
- 修复cpp推理的内存泄漏问题。(#10441)
- 修改数据增强导致的DSR报错。(#10662)
- 修复训练seed传递问题。( #10614)
- 修复 table_master tipc 报错。(#10514)
- 修复ppocr.py使用wandb报错问题。(#10251)
- 修复predict_rec.py中的内存泄漏问题。(#10688)
- 修复PaddleStructure::rebuild_table函数中structure_boxes的索引错误导致dis和iou无法正确计算的问题。(#10810)
- 兼容paddle 2.5 fluid退场。 (#10391)
- 修复stride下Tensor.numpy的性能问题。(#10773)
- ABINet导出时尺寸适应 ABINetRecResizeImg 的尺寸。(#10892)
- ABINet训练报错问题。(#10744)
- 解决ch_PP-OCRv4_rec_distill.yml中的keyError报错问题。(#10761)
Documentations Fix
- 修复、 、、、how_to_do_kie_en.md文档问题(#10717)
- 更新setup.py的文档问题(#10749)
- 修复requirements.txt中没有pyyaml库的问题(#10653)
New Contributors
- @RuohengMa made their first contribution in #10614
- @WilliamQf-AI made their first contribution in #10628
- @xlg-go made their first contribution in #10744
- @Gmgge made their first contribution in #10777
- @victor30608 made their first contribution in #11025
Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v2.7.1