- A Generic Recursive Template Engine which generates a JSON/Dictionary which can be edited from the code and then the same values can be filled in the tesmplates to write them as new variants of the template.
- Check out the example code in repo ( https://github.com/Palani-SN/ThodarKuri ) for reference
- Command 1 : adds the key Title to the current dict with value None
- Command 2 : adds the key Plot to the current dict with value as dict of file template_plot.html
R[Plot] => template_plot.html
- Command 3 : adds the key Bar to the current dict with value as list of dict of file template_bar.html
( R[Bar] => template_bar.html )*
- Generate a Skeleton of type Dictionary/JSON from a specified entrypoint
- Sample usage of the file is as given below (Refer html_plot - SR1 for template examples in EXAMPLES folder)
from ThodarKuri.Parser import ParserTemplateEngine
import json
Parser = ParserTemplateEngine();
Settings = Parser.ParseEntryPoint("html_plot - SR1/template_index.html");
print(json.dumps(Settings, sort_keys=True, indent=4));
- Note : Template files to be placed in the same folder path for use
"Plot": {
"Bar": [
"description": null,
"name": null,
"size": null
"Plot_Description": null,
"Plot_Orientation": null
"Title": null
- Initialising class helps to configure the RegexEdges and it also validates the pattern based on the second parameter FuncCallTemplate
- Arguments
- Arg1 - RegexEdges (a tuple with start and end delimiters)
- Arg2 - FuncCallTemplate is the sample string with "self.FUNC_CALL()" keyword to validate the RegexEdges
- Sample regex configurations in ParserTemplateEngine Initialisation is shown below
## Default RegexEdges=("{{", "}}"),
## FuncCallTemplate="{{self.FUNC_CALL()}}"
TE1 = ParserTemplateEngine();
## RegexEdges=("_StArT_", "_eNd_"),
## FuncCallTemplate="_StArT_self.FUNC_CALL()_eNd_"
TE2 = ParserTemplateEngine(("_StArT_", "_eNd_"), "_StArT_self.FUNC_CALL()_eNd_");
## RegexEdges=("<<", ">>"),
## FuncCallTemplate="<<self.FUNC_CALL()>>"
TE3 = ParserTemplateEngine(("<<", ">>"), "<<self.FUNC_CALL()>>");
## RegexEdges=("\\[\\[", "\\]\\]"),
## FuncCallTemplate="[[self.FUNC_CALL()]]"
TE4 = ParserTemplateEngine(("\\[\\[", "\\]\\]"), "[[self.FUNC_CALL()]]");
## RegexEdges=("{\\[<{\\[", "}\\]>}\\]"),
## FuncCallTemplate="{[<{[self.FUNC_CALL()}]>}]"
TE5 = ParserTemplateEngine(("{\\[<{\\[", "}\\]>}\\]"), "{[<{[self.FUNC_CALL()}]>}]");
- Parses the template Name/Path and file Name/Path.
- Returns the differences between them as a dict.
## Definition
def ParseEntryPoint(self, TemplateName, DebugTokens = False):
- Arguments
- Arg 1 - TemplateName (Name of the EntryPoint template to be edited)
- Arg 2 - DebugTokens (If True prints the return Dict, If false doesnt print)
- Returns
- Dict - the result as a dictionary (keys and default values like a schema: Return_values)
- To be used to fill a template from code using JSON skeleton/Dictionary that is parsed using parser class and EntryPoint template
- Sample usage of the file is as given below (Refer html_plot - SR1 for template examples in EXAMPLES folder)
from ThodarKuri.Filler import FillerTemplateEngine
import json
SettingsAsJson = """
"Plot": {
"Bar": [
"description": "African Caribbean in Barbados",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:ACB",
"size": 96
"description": "African Ancestry in Southwest US",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:ASW",
"size": 61
"description": "Bengali in Bangladesh",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:BEB",
"size": 86
"description": "Chinese Dai in Xishuangbanna, China",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:CDX",
"size": 93
"description": "Utah residents with Northern and Western European ancestry",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:CEU",
"size": 99
"description": "Colombian in Medellin, Colombia",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:CLM",
"size": 94
"description": "Esan in Nigeria",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:ESN",
"size": 99
"description": "Finnish in Finland",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:FIN",
"size": 99
"description": "British in England and Scotland",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:GBR",
"size": 91
"description": "Kinh in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:KHV",
"size": 99
"description": "Luhya in Webuye, Kenya",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:LWK",
"size": 99
"description": "Mende in Sierra Leone",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:MSL",
"size": 85
"description": "Mexican Ancestry in Los Angeles, California",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:MXL",
"size": 64
"description": "Peruvian in Lima, Peru",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:PEL",
"size": 85
"description": "Punjabi in Lahore, Pakistan",
"name": "1000GENOMES:phase_3:PJL",
"size": 96
"Plot_Description": "Horizontal Bar Chart",
"Plot_Orientation": "horizontal"
"Title": "Template Engine Demo"
settings = json.loads(SettingsAsJson)
Filler = FillerTemplateEngine();
FilledString = Filler.FillEntryPoint(Settings, "html_plot - SR1/template_index.html", "html_plot - SR1/index.html");
- The Output of the above code looks as follows
- Initialising class helps to configure the RegexEdges and it also validates the pattern based on the second parameter FuncCallTemplate
- Arguments
- Arg1 - RegexEdges (a tuple with start and end delimiters)
- Arg2 - FuncCallTemplate is the sample string with "self.FUNC_CALL()" keyword to validate the RegexEdges
- Sample regex configurations in FillerTemplateEngine Initialisation is shown below.
## Default RegexEdges=("{{", "}}"),
## FuncCallTemplate="{{self.FUNC_CALL()}}"
TE1 = FillerTemplateEngine();
## RegexEdges=("_StArT_", "_eNd_"),
## FuncCallTemplate="_StArT_self.FUNC_CALL()_eNd_"
TE2 = FillerTemplateEngine(("_StArT_", "_eNd_"), "_StArT_self.FUNC_CALL()_eNd_");
## RegexEdges=("<<", ">>"),
## FuncCallTemplate="<<self.FUNC_CALL()>>"
TE3 = FillerTemplateEngine(("<<", ">>"), "<<self.FUNC_CALL()>>");
## RegexEdges=("\\[\\[", "\\]\\]"),
## FuncCallTemplate="[[self.FUNC_CALL()]]"
TE4 = FillerTemplateEngine(("\\[\\[", "\\]\\]"), "[[self.FUNC_CALL()]]");
## RegexEdges=("{\\[<{\\[", "}\\]>}\\]"),
## FuncCallTemplate="{[<{[self.FUNC_CALL()}]>}]"
TE5 = FillerTemplateEngine(("{\\[<{\\[", "}\\]>}\\]"), "{[<{[self.FUNC_CALL()}]>}]");
- Gets the Template Name/Path of the template function calls that is going to be used.
- Will initialize the MapDict for updating the function calls in the template.
## Definition
def FillEntryPoint(self, MapDict, TemplateName, FileName = None, DebugTokens = False):
- Arguments
- Arg1 - MapDict (a dict that contains the key of the template to be filled with the value)
- Arg2 - TemplateName (Entry Point Template name which needs to be edited)
- Arg3 - FileName (New file name which needs to be created with the filled content)
- Arg4 - DebugTokens (If True prints the return str, If false doesnt print)
- Returns
- Str - string created by dictionary values recursively filled in the template string